
Most songs, words are plagiarism so are films, books but in some way it's allowed. What to think about fairy tales?

I just counted the comments on this contest. About 8 Steemians out of this entire platform dared to reply but those 8 are good enough for over 135 replies. About 50% are mine, your score is high as well. To keep discussions alive answers are important.

Although there is a lot of discussion among the hosts, moderators I wonder if it's worth the time and energy. If only 8 people comment it means 99,999 % doesn't care or scared.

 3 months ago 

Nah, itu masalah yang steemit alami. Jika kita melihat bagaimana platform sejenis seperti twitter yang begitu aktip berkomentar. Saya tidak paham tujuan para steemian apa hanya sekadar mengumpulkan steem semata, tapi sudahlah itu hak masing-masing steemian.

Terkait dongeng, ini keahlian yang langka. Tapi yang saya khawatirkan jika itu dongeng masa lalu di copy ulang. Jika idenya sama itu tidak menjadi suatu permasalahan dan bukan plagiat karena gaya penulisnya pasti berbeda.

All the tales here can be told and are rewritten many times. I once read tales like Little Red Riding Hood has hundreds of different versions same for the others.
Those Tales of the brothers Grimm so famous are not theirs. They only wrote them down and never cared about noting the name of the storyteller. They took the credit.

 3 months ago 

Nah itu dia masalahnya, apa susahnya menulis nama pengarang aslinya, hanya isinya sudah menggunakan versi yang berbeda. Sama seperti penyanyi yang membawakan lagu penyanyi lain maka lagu yang dinyanyikan itu disebut dengan "cover version".

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