Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W6: THE END OF MY FOODIE DIARY



Hello beautiful people I'm glad to share my diary with you through this wonderful contest, it was a beautiful day I woke up tired and dizzy because I slept late last night and I didn't have a sound sleep it wasn't a good experience this morning. But the weather was friendly and everywhere was bright and clear, I didn't had any option than to begin my day having full hope that it will be a good day. Let me tell you how it was


I went to market with hubby for shopping since we didn't have some food stuff at home and I wanted to cook different meals for the weekend. We picked vegetables, atama leaf, other ingredients for the soup and for breakfast.

Coming back home I prepared beans porridge, boiled plantain and vegetables sauce for breakfast. Immediately after breakfast I started preparing things for the two soups assisted by hubby. Atama soup is our native soup which is at times cooked with palm fruit (abak) it is very delicious when cooked with the palm fruit juice in place of palm oil. I boiled the palm fruit, pound it and extract the juice for the soup,

Palm fruit

I cut my atama leaf

Within 4 hours I was done with cooking the two soups, it wasn't an easy task but I'm glad I did it

Vegetable soup

Atama soup

As I finish everything it was already afternoon already and we had to deliver some fish order so I took a bathe and leave to the fish farm to pick fish for the delivery.

At the farm

In the evening I went to work, a friend that has been reading my pregnancy series although not in steemit I shared my link to friends who read and learn a lot from it. So she called me that she is having some challenges I told her to come to the hospital immediately to see a doctor as she is in her final trimester. She was examined and confirm that she is okay we chatted and took photographs together.


After she left, I had some time so I login to steemit commented on few posts and upvoted them too, while being conscious of my duty. We had some few emergency cases that keeps me awake till middle of the night then I decided to share my diary before I sleep.

This is the The end of my diary

I will like to invite @ruthjoe @goodybest to take part in this contest.




Your post has been supported with a 30% upvote by @f2i5 from TEAM 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: November 19, 2022



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