Walictd's Account has been hijacked, please be aware!


Dear steemit team, on behalf of walictd, I would like to request your support to approve the account recovery process I initiated this evening. Thank you in advance for your generous support


Recent account statistic of @walictd

We should all always be alert to every little thing we do with our Steemit account because we never know when our bad luck will come to us.

This evening I received a call from one of our steemit friends @walictd who informed me that a hacker had hijacked his account. Recently, his account was in the process of powered down. This incident occurred on 2024-07-19, 18:21, as can be seen below:


Recent detail account operation of @walictd

It is not yet clear what caused this incident, but it seems the hacker found the Owner Key somewhere, how??, I don't know yet. I tried to clarify with Walictd, but he could not remember that, he had never logged into the strange application using the owner key. The thing is he never change the keys since June 4th, 2022.

Whatever the cause, we all have to be careful in securing our accounts from hacking by irresponsible parties. Here I suggest some tips to avoid problems like this, however this does not guarantee 100% security of your account;

  1. Do not login using Owner Keys for any application.
  2. Don't save PDF keys carelessly, or share them on social media. It is better to save the PDF keys offline to ensure the security of your password.
  3. Change your password (keys) regularly (for example; once a month), this is to ensure the maximum security of your account.
  4. Do not provide active key authorization to third-party applications that are considered less secure, and always be careful when exposing your active key.
  5. Check your account activity regularly using a trusted application such as www.steemworld.org from @ steemchiller
  6. Don't be tempted to click random phishing or scam links that could endanger your account. Normally they will use a kind of "AirDrop" link to get your attention.
  7. Do not install dangerous programs or access dangerous sites using a device that you normally use to log into your Steemit account/wallet.
  8. Clean your device from malware or viruses which could be variants of trojans or ransomware, which can control remotely the entire contents of your device unknowingly.

These are just some tips that can help you in securing your account, however, we are always required to be vigilant in our activities on the internet. I myself always think that there is no such thing as 100% safe as long as it connects to the internet, even though it sounds strange, this is a mindset that we must have so that we are always careful in acting and accessing the internet in our daily lives.

I have initiated the recovery of the Walictd account, and I hope that this account can be returned to its rightful owner before a week, to avoid unnecessary losses during the recovery period.

In this case, I hope the steemit team through @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02 can help in taking over this account again. I also hope that the parties who can help speed up this account recovery will lend a hand and help make this recovery process faster.

My thanks to the Steemit team who have helped a lot in the account recovery process which I have often done before.

Maintain your account well and keep making good quality publications on this beloved platform.




 2 months ago 

Thank you so much for assisting in initiating the recovery process. I was very worried when he told me about it. Hopefully, the account will be recovered before the enemy moves the steem. I am truly grateful

 2 months ago 

Hi @ngoenyi, how are you there?. Now I am working on digging into the cause of that incident, I tried to figure it out how his account got compromised. Thank you for your support

 2 months ago 

I am good, thanks. How about you?

If he didn't click on any link of those hackers, then it could be someone close to him or something of that sort. I will be on the lookout for your findings. I wish his account can be recovered as soon as possible. Thank you for your efforts and supports. More strength and wisdom to you

 2 months ago 

This calls for regular checks of our Steemit account. I'm sure the account will be recovered very soon and my friend @walictd will be back to continue his activities.

 2 months ago 

It is better to change the keys regularly because most of the stolen accounts are those that have not been active for some time. thank you for your support @simonnwigwe

 2 months ago 

Tidak diragukan penjahat ada di sekitar kita, namun kita perlu exstra hati hati agar kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang kepada pengguna lain

Saya harap kasus ini segera teratasi dan teman kita segera kembali dengan segala aktifitas di platform tercinta ini

Terima kasih telah membantu memecahkan masalah dari teman kita @ walictd

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih pak @heriadi, kita semua perlu waspada terhadap segala kemungkinan yang bisa terjadi dengan keamanan akun. Sedikit salah bisa menjadi hal yang merugikan kita

 2 months ago 

Berharap yang terbaik untuk akun teman kami @walictd. Sungguh disayangkan. Tolong, Semua yang ada kemampuan untuk menatasi masalah ini, Cepat bergerak.

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih bang @f2i5, kita upayakan semaksimal mungkin untuk bisa mengambil kembali akun ini secepatnya

This is really unfortunate. All users should be very careful about securing their accounts. I hope that @walictd's account is recovered soon. And you have done a great job by including important tips for account safety in your post, which all users should definitely follow.

 2 months ago 

I agree with you my friend @rashid001, we need to be cautious about the account security and regularly change the key for better protection.

 2 months ago 

Ini sungguh sangat bahaya, semoga saja akunnya bisa di ambil alih kembali, @walictd

 2 months ago 

Sudah banyak terjadi dan saya sendiri sudah merecover akun steemian disekitar kita lebih dari sekali bang, yang terakhir sebelum ini juga ada akun @rayfa yang saya recovery, dan yang ambilnya juga orang yang sama

 2 months ago 

Bisa kita tarik balek bang?
Sangat di sayangkan apabila akun walictd berpindah tangan

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Waduh, baru juga semalam balas-balas komentar sama dia .... Hmm. Semoga segera keambil balik.

 2 months ago 

Yang ambil akun ini juga sama dengan yang ambil akun @rayfa beberapa bulan lalu bang @aneukpineung78, dan kemungkinan setelah saya track kemungkinan juga penyebabnya sama bang

Waduh ,,, akun ap78 menangknya mungkin karena aku ngga pernah obral Master Key ya ,, jadi akssesnya cuma sampe ke dompet doang (private key),,ngga bisa gant master. Ga kebayang kalau master diganti,,, uhuhu ,, akun in terlanjur aku cinta walau aku sempat hibernasi selama 27 kali purnama ke lereng Rinjani.

Salam pak @el-nailul dan semua
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dan dukungannya. Terimakasih juga buat kawan-kawan lainnya yang setia mendukung dan mendoakan, agar akun milik saya ( @walictd ) bisa dikembalikan sesegera mungkin.
Saya tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa tanpa ada kalian, sekali lagi terimakasih banyak seniorku semua...

 2 months ago 

Yang sabar aja @steemlens, karena ini memang dari kelalaian kita sendiri, dan ini menjadi pelajaran yang berharga bagi kita semua

 2 months ago 

Oh this can be very disturbing. I genuinely hope he gets the help he needs to get his account back.

Thank you for once again highlighting ways to keep our accounts and passkeys safe. All the best

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much @ngozi996, we hope the recovery process can be done in no time delay, otherwise they can take some of the steam in that account

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