The diary game // 12 September 2023 // Tuesday activities



Hello fellow bloggers,

It is with great pleasure I am writing to share my day with you guys. I am pleased to have with me great community members who take some of their precious time to read my daily game and even comment and most importantly vote for me. I say God bless you all abundantly and let's keep supporting ourselves for a better and brighter future.

Today is the second working day of the week and I must say, as a worker, there should be huge energy for the work ahead. There is no doubt about the fact that energy is available for work. Looking at how work was yesterday, there was some very available at camp for the work today. Therefore I went to bed late in the evening because I was doing research work in other to apply it tomorrow.


At the qPCR room

Therefore, I was awake by 6:18 AM. I then started to carry out my morning routine. I started with the one I normally do first which was to sweep my room. After doing that I picked the mob and went ahead to do the mo bing using the detergent I have and water. I also added some disinfectant because I was having one. I did the cleaning within a few minutes and when I was done. I went to the top of my fridge and picked the things there to clean. I was able to clean all the dirt over there.

I was able to fetch water and sent to the bathroom and just as I normally do, I was able to finish bathing on the time I plan to finish on my own. I was able to get back to my room and did some basic things which included ironing and preparing myself for work. I did the ironing and went to the table to pick up my comb. I combed my hair and left for work.

It took me a few minutes to get to the workplace. I was able to log in with my details for reporting to work. I have to check on some results I was working on. It was a PCR result, so what I did was do the DNA extraction and prepare the master mix for the run. In the end, the results were good and a true reflection of the samples.


The bicycle I went with

For the samples I worked on, 3 of them were positive with one giving us a false positive. On these three positive samples, we have to work on getting what is termed venous blood samples. It is the field workers who will go for the samples and we will work on it after they bring it.

It was unfortunate that we did not have media for the PBMC work hence we decided not to take the venous blood again. We were planning on using an alternative for the work which will involve the qPCR work. Fortunately for us, we had information that we would be using PBS instead of the media for the washing.


Workers weeding

Before we started, a friend called me and asked me to come and help her take her things from the house to a station. I then picked a free bicycle around and left the workplace for her place. I helped her and we sent the things to the house. I then picked a bicycle that was available and left the house.

I went to the workplace to continue work and on my way to the main station of the institution, I saw the workers using the machine to weed which is great work to do. I continued and went to the lab to work. I worked till the evening when I closed to rest in the house.

 last year 

Good job brother

Thank you

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