Gardening Challenge


hi my friends good day everyone !

First of all I would like to thank this community and @irawandedy for organizing such a beautiful and important challenge on gardening.

I am successfully growing eggplants and a few other crops in an empty area in my garden..I mainly grow eggplants.Below are some important facts about eggplant cultivation.
Suitable area Areas about 1300 meters above sea level
Nature of the land P.H. Value being between 5.5-5.8
Seed requirement 350 grams per hectare
Nursery management Prepared 3m x 1m growing beds
Planting 25-30 day old plants
Planting gap 90cm x 60cm

Planting and care

First of all, in accordance with the standard mentioned above, I planted the amount of seeds corresponding to the size of the cultivable part of my land and got healthy plants that grew in 25 days.At regular gap, the healthy plants were planted on small weed beds and compost was applied as organic fertilizer for their growth.

During dry weather conditions, water is applied to stabilize soil moisture and approved insecticides or bactericides can be used if plants are infected with bacteria or pests.

Risk of Planting Failure

Indeed, the planting and cultivation of plants is likely to fail because of the damage caused by pathogens and insects..Plants can be damaged by insects at a young age and there is a possibility of various diseases during growth.Diseases that can occur in this crops are as follows

mold disease
Root rot

specially compost gives good growth to plants and I make compost at home.

Eggplant harvest

Depending on the crop grown and the environmental conditions, the first harvest can be harvested between 10-12 weeks after planting. After that, you can harvest again every 7 days.

The yield of a brinjal crop varies depending on the variety and crop management. Cultivation of a recommended variety under irrigation can yield up to 15-18 tonnes per hectare. This harvest is available in 8-10 seasons.Here, when harvesting, cut the stem with a sharp knife and separate the pods.

Avoid crop failure

In order to get a productive harvest from this plantation, the maintenance of the plantation should be done properly.Also, in the case of bacterial and fungal infections, approved antibacterial and antifungal agents should be used to avoid them and prevent their spread.Weeds should be removed especially for the growth of crops.

Cost of cultivation.

In fact, these crops can be started at a low cost and yield a very profitable income at harvest time.Another benefit is that compost can be made at home, .In my eggplant cultivation, I have only spent money on its seeds..Antibiotics only cost money if the crops are infected with bacteria and fungi.

My cultivation and health success has been posted here and I wish that everyone's cultivation will be successful
In summary, the income and expenses of my eggplant cultivation are as follows

my first achievement


Discription cost
seeds 23.5 steem
Antibacterial 18steem


Discription Net profit
First harvest(32 kg) 43steem
second harvest(38kg) 51steem