Save The World for Our Coming Generations

I am glad to be part of Let's Start from Now Be a Pillar of the Earth's Savior, Season XIV: Save the World Contest and as you said, to protect the environment, we have to first save our earth, because both saving the earth and saving the environment are related to the protection of life. Being human beings, we should strictly engage in activities to reduce pollution and global warming and save the earth.


I invite my friends @senehasa @josepha and @paholags to join hands and tell us what we should do for our coming generations.

Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect. – Mohith Agadi

Increase awareness of the importance of preserving the environment

Well, we all know that there are many easy ways which can be helpful in saving the earth. We all know Earth is the only known planet in the solar system where there is life at the time I am writing this post. Also, as we all know in ancient times men were not involved in any devasting activities which increased pollution and other environmental problems. But after the population explosion, people started developing cities and industries for modern lifestyles and living easy lives, industrialization, so we learned to misuse natural resources beyond what our Earth could tolerate.


Minimize risk factors that aggravate the condition of the earth.

People started deforestation which resulted in the extinction of various wild animals, pollution, and global warming. Global warming has caused negative changes such as holes in the protective ozone layer, a rise in sea levels, the melting of ice in different places, etc. All these environmental changes are worrying signs for us and it's time to change our ways before it's too late.

We should save forests through as much plantation and reforestation. Plants are the basic needs of life whether humans, animals, or other living beings. They give us everything that we need like food, clean air, habitat, protection and other things that we need to live a cozy life. All these acts in our lifestyle are essential to maintain a natural balance between the environment, climate, weather and atmosphere.

Get in the habit of doing the smallest things to save the earth

First of all, we have to pay attention to our population so that we can protect wildlife by stopping deforestation and promoting reforestation. Thousands of species and birds have become extinct due to the destruction of their habitat. We should know that all these leaves have not been created by nature just like that but they are very necessary to balance the food chain in nature.

Our environment is continuously deteriorating as a result of deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, and pollution. It is endangering life through global warming and climate change due to emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. We should do all we can to save our environment and keep it natural. We use all ecofriendly methods to keep homes safe and help save energy.


To save the earth, we need to bring about changes in our lifestyle as much as possible. There is a need to convert cities into eco-cities to maintain ecological balance in the environment.

There is an urgent need to save our planet due to the continuing rise in global temperatures, the melting of polar ice, and the increasing threats of tsunamis, floods, and droughts. The condition of our environment is getting worse with every passing day decreasing the possibility of a healthy life. We should know that a healthy environment is important to keep us alive. Our activities have given rise to various environmental issues in the form of toxic smoke, chemical waste, and excessive noise.

We also know that there are limited resources on Earth and we need to conserve them for the sake of our future generation's survival.

What have you done in an effort to save the earth

Earth is replete with all the basic resources to continue life. We must respect and preserve everything we get from our earth. We should save the earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment.

We should strictly follow all possible measures to control environmental pollution and global warming. To curb pollution and reduce the impact of global warming, everyone should plant more and more trees in the surrounding areas. Afforestation, reforestation, recycling of used paper and other natural products, and saving of natural resources should be supported and promoted.


We must stop cutting down rainforests for our lives, environment, and homes of different species. To protect the environment from global warming, people should limit the use of electricity and use fewer fossil fuels. To save the destroying earth, we should look towards other sources like solar and wind energy.

Doing Greening, Reducing emissions, Recycling Used Goods, Preventing Beach Abrasion, and other activities

We should follow the golden rule that calls for "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," which can prove to be very effective in saving the environment and the earth.

The earth has given us everything and the earth does not take anything in return from us. We should know that we don't own this earth but there are a large number of living species present who have their equal right to live here. Remember the fact, that we should not be selfish and think about all the living creatures' rights on earth.

We should save our earth and environment by reducing the amount of waste, plastic, paper, wood, etc. Yes, we will have to make some sacrifices and get used to a minimalist life. The present condition of the earth has been very challenging for the healthy existence of life due to a toxic environment, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, deforestation and many other environmental issues. People should develop the habit of reducing the use of harmful things and reusing and recycling things to generate less waste.


Today we use a variety of household cleaners to keep our homes clean and disinfected. They never see the chemical components of that particular cleanser, which can be very harmful to water, soil, and air. We are using very harmful chemicals in our fields which are having dangerous effects on the environment, therefore, we must change our system and priorities.

Human activities related to the destruction of the Earth's natural resources are having a very bad effect on the Earth's environment. Therefore, it is our sole responsibility to save the earth by adopting eco-friendly activities.

How do you do it?

We should not waste water and use it only as per our necessary requirements. So we use sunscreen on our windows and use air conditioning or heater only when must.

People should share private cars so we use public transportation as much as possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

People should make organic manure which is an excellent natural fertilizer for crops.

We use compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of normal bulbs as they are more durable and use two-thirds less energy which will reduce electricity usage and greenhouse gas emissions.

We use smart gadgets with high power saving ratings which cut off or reduce consumption automatically.

We have painted our house white, which is a good way to save energy.

Our system switches off electrical appliances when they are not needed to save electricity.

Show your real action through stories and proven by real pictures

To reduce the impact of pollution and greenhouse gases, we should plant more and more trees in the surrounding areas. I have planted a number of plants in my both houses and I use as many resources as I can so I put the least burden on our environment.

I can show you some of my plantations-

What is the form of attention from the government and the community around you?

Earth provides us with everything we need to live life. Therefore, it is our responsibility to maintain its natural quality and green environment. We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for our own small gains.

We should be very clear about what products we use in our daily life and always choose eco-friendly cleaning products. We know that many big industries are the main cause of pollution spread to a great extent so our governments should make strict rules to keep them under control.

Every producer should limit their harmful production and be involved in producing environmentally friendly products. We have to promote awareness regarding Save Earth among the youth by including it in the study in our schools.

Our governments should teach and involve children right from an early age in activities like tree planting, group discussion, essay writing, speech reading, banner making, slogan writing competitions, theme based dramas, etc.

Our governments should tell each and every citizen that pollution, greenhouse gases, etc., the condition of our earth is deteriorating day by day. This is having harmful effects on the environment and thus the health of people. It is our responsibility to keep the earth safe, clean and natural. So we have to explain this to everyone irrespective of what position they belong to but they all should follow the same rules.

Here I would like to say that I live in two countries and they are perhaps on the list of the most and least polluted countries in the world, so I have seen both types of environmental situations.

Note- All images are mine.

Kind Attn: @irawandedy

Beneficiory @steembetterlife 10%

 9 months ago 

I am really inspired to read your article. Thank you very much for such a beautiful article.

 9 months ago 

Most welcome, I am sure you have something similar for us in your post 👍

 9 months ago 

As you mentioned here, growing more plants, reducing waste release to the environment, and halting deforestation are all things I agree with. Good luck with the contest.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for your agreement with these points, regards.

 9 months ago 

Thank you sir, for inviting me, i will do well and participate also.

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for always responding to my invitation.


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08

Team 5: Curation Guidelines & Basics for September
Curated by - @chant

 9 months ago 

Thanks @chant, I appreciate your encouragement 👍

 9 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Cuidar de nuestro planeta Tierra es tarea indispensable de todos nosotros por ello, aprovechar el recurso de la naturaleza es una excelente opción si embargo, para que esto tenga sentido también es indispensable que la nutramos por lo tanto, regar las áreas verdes y evitar la tala o quema, es lo ideal.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 9 months ago 

You are right, if we have to save this world, we shall have to save Mothe Nature. If we utilize all she has to give us there will be nothing left to give it to our coming generations.

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