Actsofkindness | betterlife | PKH HR LOYALTY AND MILITANCY MUST BE MAINTAINED! | #club75

Note : 50% of Rewards Donated @worldsmile To Accelerate the Construction of Free Educational Facilities


In maintaining an organization, the core strength is in the HR (Human Resources) within it. They are the most valuable assets because without strong and strong human resources the organization will be fragile and break easily. That's why their loyalty and militancy must be maintained continuously, both from those who lead and those who are led. There must be synergy between the two.


PKH as one of the national priority programs has approximately 39 thousand PKH human resources spread throughout the country. They are average college graduates. There are D3, D4, S1, S2 and even S3 degrees. They are not a group of ordinary people who are immediately gathered and recruited just like that. They were chosen because they had passed such a strict selection. The number of people who register when there is a recruitment can be 3-5 times the number needed.

I still remember that in 2017 when massive recruitment was carried out, the Ministry of Social Affairs recruited approximately 16 thousand new PKH human resources while those who registered reached 100 thousand people. This is because at that time PKH was targeted to increase the number of KPM PKH from 6 million KPM PKH to 10 million KPM PKH. This is the recruitment of human resources for the largest social assistance program in the history of the Indonesian nation. To date, the number of PKH human resources in Indonesia is around 39 thousand PKH human resources. Extraordinary.


They have gradually and periodically undergone basic education and training at the beginning of their entry into implementing this program. Even when they have become PKH HR, they also receive training and strengthening guidance both offline and online. In essence, they are human resources who are mature and ready to carry out the assigned tasks whose coverage areas are in the mountains and coasts, urban and rural areas. They exist and have been tested. Just give them one task, the task will definitely be done by them. I guarantee!

Regarding the existing positions in PKH, every PKH HR has gone through a test and is selected very strictly. From PKH Facilitators, PPE, District Coordinators/Coordinators, Regional Coordinators to Regional Military Commands, they have gone through a rigorous selection process that is carried out in stages. The responsibilities of his duties are also getting bigger following the position of the position. Each - each has its share. There are those whose duties are in 1 sub-district, in 1 district, in 1 province and in several provinces at once.

We have to admit, over time some of them have also started to age. Some are over 50 years old. This is very human considering the age of this program has also reached the age of 14 years. But when it comes to loyalty and militancy, don't ever doubt it with them. It's like saying, they are indeed old but they are not obsolete items that can be thrown away. There are things that we must remember and give the highest appreciation to PKH human resources in Indonesia.

As an example of the meaning of their loyalty and militancy, we can see that they are willing not to hold concurrent positions, never demand to become ASN / PNS. Even if any of them become ASN/PNS it is because they are struggling on their own through the selection of ASN/CPNS Candidates organized by the Center and the Regions. They also never held a demonstration to demand a salary increase even when the salary was lowered because it was adjusted to the SBML, they could be willing to accept even though this was unusual because usually the salary was increasing every year but this was actually going down.

With such strong Loyalty and Militant owned by PKH HR, we can conclude that PKH has succeeded in maintaining their valuable asset, namely PKH HR. We must appreciate all forms of struggle and sacrifice of PKH human resources who have been the spearhead of PKH so far. Without PKH human resources, PKH has no meaning at all. Just like motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi and his racing motorcycle numbered 46, the PKH and PKH HR are perfect!


In closing, I will quote the lyrics of the song from the band SEURIUS entitled ROCKER JUGA MANUSIA, which has slightly changed the lyrics, namely.

Sometimes I feel tired Gotta look perfect I want to shout.

If that's the case, do we still have the heart to look down on the dedication of a PKH HR?

Cc. @pennsif @irawandedy


Sadizzz cak 👍

Baju yang sangat bagus semoga sukses selalu buat anda.

program campaign : #club5050 #club75 #club100 #worldsmileproject50pc

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