Actsofkindness : Happy Birthday my dear son "Azka Alkhalis"

Note : 50% of Rewards Donated To Charity Account : 25% @adollaraday and 25% @steemkindness


Today we meet again on October 2, the date on which I was born 6 years ago. It feels like I just felt the cold of the delivery room at Bireuen "Telaga Bunda" Hospital, but now that you are 6 years old, time seems to pass by so fast. At that time, I still remember on October 1, 2015 I was taken to the hospital by my grandmother because the contractions had started and my father was still in the baby. And immediately called Bayu to follow him to Bireuen. Last night I felt pain like never before. The next day, I still had to enjoy the feeling of contractions until the time for the azan asr, a little angel was born with a voice so loud, a voice that made my tears spill. Yes dear, you were born into this world, you were born as our first child which made my nature turn into a mother. Even though I endured pain for almost 24 hours, but when I saw you born into this world, all the pain disappeared instantly, Turning into incomparable happiness for your mother and father. We name you "Azka Alkalis" who was born on October 2, 2015 at 4 pm at Telaga Bireuen Hospital. And now he is 6 years old and already attending Kindergarten (TK) Pembina Bayu.

And today we are repeating your birthday. There is nothing special today because every day feels special. As in previous years, I prepared a birthday cake for Azka and we made a small thanksgiving event at home. Only for the surrounding family and only for dinner. For cakes, I ordered one of the cake shops in Bayu. For the menu, I cook noodles with peanut sauce. So from noon I started shopping and continued to cook at home, such as making peanut sauce and preparing noodles.

In the afternoon around 4 pm Azka's peers gathered and started cutting her birthday cake accompanied by a happy birthday song that I played on my laptop. After cutting the cake, they eat noodles together and give a simple gift to azka but she accepts it very happily. While eating together, Azka's grandmother suddenly came from Bireuen. It turned out that he remembered his grandson's birthday and came to visit Azka and brought gifts for his grandson. Such is the love of a grandmother, even though she is tired from work but she takes the time to travel from Bireuen to Bayu just for her grandson.

Alhamdulillah today's event went smoothly. Although with a simple and modest menu, Azka was very happy to celebrate her birthday with her cousins, her friends and even her grandmother who was far away came to celebrate her birthday. May Azka grow up to be a pious child who will lead his parents to heaven.

In the evening we had dinner together with Azka and my mother. After dinner we opened the gifts that Azka received earlier. There are from his cousins, from his grandmother and aunt in Bireuen and also from me. Azka was very excited to open the gifts. Especially when he opened a gift from his cousin which turned out to be the AlQur'an. So happy he immediately recited the AlQur'an with his new. After Azka recited the AlQur'an, I started writing this post.








That's my post for today. Thank you to friends who are willing to come to my post and support me. Cc @heriadi @irawandedy @liasteem

By @dewie88

 3 years ago 

Selamat ulang tahun untuk anaknya y KK..
Semoga selalu panjang umur dan jadi anak Sholeh😇🤗🎊🎉

 3 years ago 

Amin Ya Allah...
Makasih banyak ya...

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