Weekly Reflections #12 : 2023 Recap & hopes for 2024 | My Achievement of the year 2023



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Hello @steembetterlife community, it's my pleasure to participate with you guys with this discussion given us opportunity to express our wonderful achievement and some great events. I also appreciate the work of our community moderator @damithudaya for making it easy for all of us to remember our memories and has a good plan towards the upcoming year that we're about to jump in tomorrow, which is the year 2024.

What are the memorable moments or achievements from this year?


IMG_20231224_194630_718@-252243646.jpgEntertainment with my friends and family.
IMG_20231223_133720_950.jpgAttending special events.

First of all let me discuss a little bit about memory moments, it's a good idea to involve yourself with other youths and entertain yourself, it has contribute a lot to our healthy, that's what I always appreciate, and throughout the year of 2023 I have involve in such entertainment with my friends and family, we use this opportunity to interact with each other and discuss some important things that would strengthen each other.

My achievement
IMG_20231213_093211_914.jpgNew laptop system mainly for architectural drawing work.

I budget for a long time to achieve a better laptop system and I so much thank God because he has done ✅ it for me perfectly.

What are the most significant lessons you learned in 2023?

I learned a lot of things within the year of 2023, but am going to mention just few. Firstly I would not forget the topic of my 2023 regional convention which was held at assembly ground in mbiokporo nsit uyo. The topic was #Exercise #Patient, it's very necessary to exercise patient by all means, by being patient you can avoid a lot of temptations and achieve a success in life. Exercising patient can make someone to build a better life and lived a simple life. Another thing is, life without a budgeting can definitely fall to loses, without having a reasonable plan towards your income you can actually loose all, that's what I learned this year.

How has being Steemit influenced your journey?


Actually I didn't join steemit up to 4 months, and another issue is, I don't use to work regularly on steemit due to other offline activities that consume most of my time and effort, but I really like steem platform and I actually choose it as my best discussion forum. I can actually say yes to this question because by the grace of God I would be more active on steem platform and it's among my budget for the year 2024.

What are your key aspirations for the upcoming year

2024 can turn to be a very good year to me depending on how God would answer my prayer. My strong desire to achieve something high or great is to be consistent and add more effort to my work, I pray to God for his grace to help me have the spirit of encouragement and kill the spirit of laziness so that I can build up a good future and achieve some important goals as we're going to enter into the year 2024.


It's a great thing to fulfill budgeting, but I believe goals and a great future can only be achieved by investing efforts and time patient is the key. I learned a lot from the year 2023, it's crucial to be motivated. May God help me to succeed.

Thank you 💕 for taking time to read this.

I'll like to invite @bossj23 @allison001 an @kidi40 to also participate in this contest.

Cc; @disconnect @steembetterlife
 6 months ago 

You've achieved a lot this year and one thing I'm particularly interested is the wholesome association you have with brothers who are serving a happy God. Wishing you best of luck in this contest.

 6 months ago 

Thank you so much #boss I really appreciate.


This post has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

Team Newcomer- Curation Guidelines For January 2024 Curated by - <@ashkhan>

 6 months ago 

Hi @crystal, your memory in the last year is indeed great things to remember, I mean having fun with friends of yours brought you nothing but happiness and it contribute a lot to your health, buying a new laptop is really an archivement to you and I'm sure you'll handle it with care.

You came in with a nice and interesting entry, I wish you nothing but good luck friend.

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