Contest - Are You a Patient Person?


Hello Friends!

Greetings to you all for joining me today, I will gladly be participating in this contest to sharey review about what being patient really implies. I believe at some point in our lives there's an existence of patience. Let's do this!...

My image edited using Incollge

✅ Are You a Patient Person?

It is said that a patient dog eats the fattest bone. Ever since I ce across this statemen, I have been able to excercise patient in almost everything I do. I am a very patient kind of person that even when it seems thought to handle, I just pray and do what best I can do, believe and have faith, then still exercise patience.
Patience brought me to my current level

✅ What is the importance of maintaining patience in life?

To being patience, there are so many importance it carries, see below!!!...

  • If you're a patience type then you have got so many importance because you will be able to receive a greater rewards than a hastened person.

  • Being patience enough could help to drive away unpleasant result but bring a better answer.

  • Being patience aids good grade. In the sense that, as you keep waiting, something nice cooks up and when served, comes out delicious like a meal.

  • Patience is like tolerance, once you're able to excercise patient than you're in your gate way to experience a more better leverage of success.

  • Patience is important because groes the inner mind and makes the spirit strong and ready for the outcome.

✅ When was the last time you lost your patience? What is the reason?

The last time I lost my patience was last week when I had waited so long to hear a positive response from my friend I do business with. He kept me in the dark, telling me that market is not going very well with traders that's the reason why he haven't made any profits yet.

Loosing my patience

I lost my patience over his toouch delay and bursted out in anger, said a lot of things that got him pissed off. Heade it clear to me that he is done doing business with me. My heart skipped to my brain and i immediately started begging him to forgive every words I spoke out of annoyance. Because right there, he have concluded to give my account to anyone who is better than hi, knowing what friendship really means, I'm giving him space and time to concentrate and not to loose my patience towards him again.

✅Tell us four tricks to increase patience.

Here are four tricks to increase patience;

  • Beat your chest and convince yourself that things are getting only better.

  • Do not let anger to terminate the patience you have within.

  • Try to always keep your mouth shut over some crucial talks to avoid ruining your patience.

  • Read your Bible and pray everyday, the word will help you sustain your patience.

In Conclusion:

I believe everyone here clearly understand what patience is and how important it can be. I appreciate the contribution of everyone to my blog post, hope to see you next time, bye!🤭

I wish to invite @wirngo @onomzy810 and @benton3 to join the contest




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