CONTEST- Are you a patient person?



A warm evening to every beautiful lady in this community, and I celebrate every mother and potential mothers in this community. It is still your girl @blezzy and I'm pleased to partake on this lovely contest organize by @shiftitamanna. Here are my views to the contest.

I'll first air out my view on the noun patience. Patience is a virtue meaning it is not found in everyone. Patience is the ability to endure hardship for a long time without getting upset.

Are you a patient person?

I am human, and one of the attributes of human is to err. Yes I am a patient person but to some extent, i have water and blood running through my veins and there is an extent I will be pushed that can make me revolt and run out of patience.

What is the importance of maintaining patience in life.

👉 Patience gives rise to achievement of dreams:
For instance, an entrepreneur who just start up his/her business will not look at the immediate situations surrounding his/her business. Like the saying goes, customers are always right a customer may come to price down your goods it takes patience to contain with such customer by being calm and making the person understand the increase in the price of the goods. And with this, one will win more customers to him/herself and the dream of having a flourished business will come to realization.

👉 Patience also help one to avoid problems. For example there's this man in my street that had an argument with someone and the person slapped him in the process of returning the slap the man collapsed and died and he was arrested for murder. Because of lack of patience.

👉 Patience makes one a good listener: It takes patience from one to listen to a stammerer and someone in distress.

👉 Patience gives an edge to learning
new skills.

👉 Patience makes people around us feel relaxed and comfortable : It takes patience to teach or groom a toddler, some children can be annoying but the ability to endure and remain calm makes them comfortable around you and can easily confide in you.

When was the last time you lost your patience? What is the reason?

That was two months ago, the reason is because of a man that found joy in bullying my grandmother you can imagine a man bullying an old woman. And she has been complaining to my mother and us yet we kept calm to see if he will stop but he wouldn't, I approached him and talk to him to stop the madness he said to hell with me, if I'm not careful he'll bully me too. I kept quiet and left him. When I lost it was the day he bullied my grandmother and she collapsed, I went with some boys to his house and they beat him blue-black and I made sure he paid for my granny's hospital bill. Since then he stopped bullying my grandmother.

Tell us four tricks to increase patience.


👉 To exhibit the virtue patience, can't be done by our strength we need a supernatural help from God to help us achieve it. This can be done by praying for the grace to be patient no matter the tight corner you find yourself.

👉 By reading books about patience that will help one in managing his/her anger.

👉 Learn not to react on things immediately. Have a deep rethink before taking actions.

👉 Love yourself first that will help you to be patient in everything so as not to involve yourself in problems.

I'll like to invite @mattmillion, @uyime23 and @wirngo to take part in this beautiful contest.

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