The Diarygame Saturday 20th April 2024:( An Accomplished Day)


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Hello Friends, how are you? I believe you are great, and I would like to share how my day went with you.

So on this faithful day 20th day of April 2024, I got up at 6:30 am, as usual, I carried my baby, prayed with her and my hubby, and told her that it is good to say Good morning to mummy and daddy anytime she wakes up, I was inculcating that good behavior in her so that she will grow up with it. I went further to breastfeed her.

I went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, I washed the dishes and had my food ready. The breakfast was not a fresh meal which is why I am not sharing it here, it was a leftover meal so I had to warm it up and serve it to my husband and me. we ate it and were satisfied. we got prepared for the business of the day. The first place we went to was the hospital.



A hospital is where sick people are treated, it is where doctors, nurses, and health workers work and care for patients, immunizations are also given in the hospital, so what took us to the hospital was our baby's immunization.

Immunization is a medication that is known as a vaccine, it was given to her to prevent her from certain illnesses and to keep her fit. On reaching the vaccine Center, I went to get her card recorded, then took her inside for the vaccine.

When we entered I was asked to undress her for weight-measuring which I did and my baby's weight was normal and fine. So I brought her to the nurse who gave her the vaccine, she showed me a seat and I sat on it with my baby, and then she gave her the injection.

It was painful for her and the nurse instructed me on what to do to relieve her pain, I dressed her up and we left. we were not going home, we went to my seamstress shop.



So when we arrived there, she wasn't around, we had to wait for her to come, when she came in she offered us a drink, I started admiring her shop because it was beautiful and well furnished, she thanked me and we discussed it for a while. She then took my measurements and had them recorded, she later took my daughter's own and had them recorded too. I showed her the design I wanted her to make for me. She said her price and I bargained, we came to an agreement, and we left.



I want this dress for a special occasion I will be attending in May.
This occasion is special to me because of the benefits I always derive whenever I attend the program. It is the circuit assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses, we attend this program two times a year and this will be my second time in the year. So after everything we went home happily.



I was happy to have achieved that, what I had planned was carried out successfully which made my day complete.

 4 months ago 

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