Contest - Are You a Patient Person?


I'm @aspiya
From #Bangladesh

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Greetings to all of you. I am delighted to be a member of the dynamic Steem for Betterlife community and I am excited to announce my involvement in the contest organized by @shiftitamanna.

Undoubtedly, patience is a commendable quality that deserves recognition, and I am eager to express my ideas on this subject. Let us begin our expedition together, embracing the elegance of patience throughout our voyage.

Are You a Patient Person?

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Upon contemplating the inquiry about my level of patience, I must confess that patience wasn't a trait I readily possessed in the past. Nevertheless, the journey to motherhood brought about a profound transformation within me. As I embarked on the journey of pregnancy, I witnessed a shift in my behavior. The imminent duty of sustaining a life seemed to have bestowed upon me a fresh sense of patience.

Currently, I can navigate the complexities of life with a newfound tranquility that was before absent. Whatever the issue, I try to be calm. Motherhood has taught me to handle tough circumstances with grace, patience, and drive.

What is the importance of maintaining patience in life?

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To develop resilience, empathy, self-control, and endurance, it is necessary to maintain patience throughout one's life. We can manage problems with grace, connect with people on a profound level, make judgments after giving them careful consideration, and persevere in our efforts despite the presence of barriers. To summarize everything, patience is not merely a virtue; rather, it is a guiding concept for leading a life that is both enjoyable and balanced. Being patient is a virtue.

When was the last time you lost your patience? What is the reason?

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Two days ago I lost my patience. The agony I feel as a mother whenever I see my son hurt is immense. The incident occurred when my kid, who was playing carelessly on the bed accidentally tumbled off. My concern for his safety was overwhelming at the time, and I acted on impulse. When I saw the darkness devolve into tears, I was unable to control my feelings. Regrettably, my response did nothing except make my kid even more terrified.

Looking back, I see that my reaction was based on mother instinct, but I also know that I could have done a better job of managing the issue. It was a sobering reminder of the fine line I must walk between being a protective parent and keeping my cool under pressure.

Tell us four tricks to increase patience.

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Of course! I can personally attest that the following four methods have really improved my capacity for patience:

🔹Practice a Mindful Attitude: Since starting yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, my patience has improved. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation may help one relax and focus.

🔹 Embrace Understanding: Understanding others' viewpoints and experiences helps boost patience. Putting myself in others' shoes makes us more tolerant and sympathetic, which may help us handle difficult circumstances.

🔹Express Gratitude: An attitude of thankfulness might boost patience. Daily gratitude helps us concentrate on what we have rather than what we want. This mentality adjustment might improve everyday patience and contentment.

🔹Expect Realistically: We become impatient when expectations don't match reality. Setting achievable objectives and deadlines reduces stress and frustration. Accepting that growth takes time and failures are inevitable helps us be more patient and resilient.

Finally, patience is a strong weapon for overcoming life's obstacles with grace and perseverance. Being patient via mindfulness, empathy, realistic expectations, and thankfulness may enhance our emotions, relationships, and long-term objectives. Patience helps us handle problems with calm, understanding, and inner serenity, leading to a happier, more balanced existence.

I would like to invite my friends @mhizta, @mhmmdzaki @comfortpeter, and @jovita30 to participate in this contest.

Thank You So Much Everyone

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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