Contest Review Tools Manual Vote Session 17th by @artist1111

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)

Canvas work

Steemworld is an application developed by @steemchiller considered backbone for steemit blockchain . The basics tools in steemworld quite interesting for all steemian's. Mr @amryksr start initiative of publications about .Today i am participating in the 17th contest about review of steemworld Contest : Review Tools Manual Vote Sesion 17th .The great honor for me to participate .I feel proud to share my knowledge about concern tool so let get strart without wasting time.

Today we are reviewing the tool Manual vote.Manuel vote is a tool which can be found on steemworld used in voting to others Aurthors on the steemit platform.

Manual Vote tool in brief

There is a lot of tools present in Steemworld.orgmany of the we already reviewed with the help of Sir @amryksr opportunity from their side,today we are reviewer Manual Vote. Manual Vote is used for voting percentage in the blockchain .In today tutorial we will discuss how to curate Post and Comments with the help of manual voting .

Manual vote on post

Step 1: Log into and log in with your posting key as ordinary time.


Step 2: Look for Manual Vote at the bottom and click on Manual vote. The tool we are reviewing is Manual votewould be to visit steem world shortly


Step 3:A new page will appear with options such as Post Link, Author, Type and Weight. noted that this is 1st time process for every member .Link paste , author name and percentage is important .


Practical work on it

select the post which you are suppose to curating . and then copy of the first link of any post . Never choose the second link .Not this is the link of that post which i am curating through Manual Vote in


Fill in this way and simply upvote . And that it. after couple of time later the done sign which means my vote was successful.



We hope that this tutorial helps you have an Manual voting without bothering about email and password. Try and let see how it goes. Greetings

Would like to invite my friends @hamad222 @ftz @shafathussain @hamad123 to take part in this contest. Here you can find contest details :Contest : Review Tools Manual Vote Sesion 17th

Thank You @amryksr for this awesome contest

STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE is wonderful community work based technological advance works, opportunity to express skills and creativity .STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE is working day and night and educating steem family and steemit environment .


Stay well. Stay healthy😍 .


Best Regards
Achievement 1 post

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