The Diary Game || 15 June 2024 || Went to ATM booth with elder brother to withdraw money and had a nice moment later today.


Hallo Everyone
I am @arroise from #bangladesh


Assalamu Alaikum. A beautiful are you all?I hope everyone is very well by the grace of Allah and living a very beautiful life. Alhamdulillah I am also very well by the grace of Allah.Let's get started then.


Edit from College Maker

I woke up first thing this morning. My mother called me to wake up. I was able to wake up very quickly. I love waking up in the morning. Then after waking up I took my mobile from the pillow next to my bed. After taking it, I looked at the mobile clock and saw that it was 7:34. Then to freshen myself up in the morning then I brush my teeth. Later I came to the room very quickly. Then I have breakfast in the morning after I come to the room.


Elder brother was withdrawing money at the ATM booth and I went to the doctor's shop

In the morning when I was at home, suddenly my elder brother-in-law called me on my mobile. After calling, he said meet me soon. I have to go to Shemspur market to withdraw money from the ATM booth. Then I was ready within five minutes. After getting ready I stood there for some time on the side of the road.

After standing my brother in law came and then left for market.Then after getting the market, elder brother entered the ATM booth in the market. Then within 5 minutes he took the money and left. And I at the other end I went to the doctor's shop and bought some of my urgent medicines in between.


I was sitting on the bench waiting for my elder brother

When the medicines are bought from my doctor's shop inside the market. Then there I was sitting on a bench by the side of the road. I was waiting for my elder brother-in-law. It was afternoon so it was very hot. After buying a pocket tissue from a nearby store to feel the heat, I did not wipe my face with the tissue in the heat.


Busy street of noon market

When Big Brother left and then. I got up from the bench and went to the fruit shop together. Went to the fruit shop and got a kilo of apples from there. And bought a few of your stuff. Then when I was coming through the road after the purchase, I took a picture of the busy road environment.


Raw sweet mango meal time at noon

Some time after leaving the market since noon while resting at home. At that time I wanted to eat mango in its heat. Then I took some raw sweet and lightly ripe mangoes from the rake. After bringing it, I cut it nicely after washing it. I ate it very well with salt and coriander powder.


I sat down to read in the evening

After playing sports in the field in the afternoon. In the evening, I quickly went and washed my hands and face properly. Sitting at the reading table to study because I have HSC final exam in a few days. I was reading Bengali books with revision. I was reading this book for a little over three hours. Then at 8:15 in the night my studies were over.


Dinner time

After the study was over. When it was my meal time and then going to the dining room my mom served my food. Then I ate a lot of food with boal fish, it was very fun to eat ball fish, it was very delicious to eat. And then after the meal was over I then. Time I use mobile at night. Then I sleep. And that's how my whole day activity was today. And here I am ending my diary blog today.

Thank you all for reading my post.I wish you all enjoy my post. I hope you all are inspire me in this platform #steemit.I want I do my best in this platform.stay safe stay happy.


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