The Diary Game || 20th September, 2024 || Still on my Abs workout journey.


Hello Everyone👋🏽.
This is @alli001 from #Nigeria🇳🇬.


Hello dear diary,🤗

I always breathe a sigh of relief after a refreshing workout and returning home, feeling rejuvenated and energized. Exercise leaves me razor-sharp and ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way. Embracing this fitness lifestyle has become an obsession, and I'm getting addicted to it.

Today was another fulfilling day on my Abs workout journey at STAYFIT FITNESS CLUB, expertly guided by coach @ngoenyi. In my diary, I'll explain in details the diverse exercises I tackled, my techniques and accomplishments, and the pains I felt, after completing those exercises. Stay tuned🤩.

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and joined my family for our daily morning scripture devotion, a sacred tradition that fosters our spiritual growth. Following the inspiring 5-minute reflection, I headed out immediately, already dressed and ready to go, having prepared my outfit beforehand. With 30 minutes already lost, I broke into a jog from my house to the taxi stand, determined to avoid missing any of today's scheduled programs.

I breathed a sigh of relief upon arrival, finding that the program hadn't commenced yet. Today's team workout began with a dynamic warm-up, followed by a focused abs attack session. Our first abs attack programme for the day was 'Russian twist👇🏽'.


We performed the Russian twists exercise by sitting on the ground, hanging our legs in mid-air, and then using our right hand to retrieve cones placed on the left side of our body. We performed 4 sets of Russian twists, transferring 40 cones from one side to the other, alternating hands. Each set consisted of, 40 cones from right to left using the left hand and 40 cones from left to right using the right hand. Completing 4 sets resulted in a total of 160 cone transfers.

Completing the challenging program wasn't easy, but our coach's inspiring mantra resonated within me, she normally says 'Program your mind, and you'll do it.' Despite the intense abdominal pains, I drew on mental resilience and persevered, pushing through the pain to successfully transfer all 160 cones because I programmed my mind. The next abs attack programme for today was Bicycle crunch👇🏽.


The bicycle crunch programme was done by laying flat on a soft mat with our knees bent and hands behind our head. We lifted our shoulders off the ground curling up, then contract our left elbow to touch our right knee. We repeated the same process with the right elbow, touching our left knee. People with pot belle find this very difficult because of their fat, but they kept on pushing at their pace. I love riding bicycle, so doing the bicycle crunch wasn't that hard for me.

We performed 4 sets of bicycle crunches, alternating sides. Each set consisted of, 10 repetitions (right elbow to left knee) , and 10 repetitions (left elbow to right knee), that's a total 20 repetitions. Completing 4 sets resulted in a total of 80 touches. We took some minutes break after the programme, then proceed to the third abs attack programme for today, which was reverse plank👇🏽.



We performed the Reverse Plank exercise by placing our palms on the ground with fingers facing backward. Tilting our faces upwards, aligning our bodies to form a flat, table-like position, we lifted our hips off the ground, and suspended ourselves in mid-air. We held this position for the duration of the 8 Tabata timer, challenging our core strength and endurance.

At first, I didn't find this programme difficult, but when I suspended in mid-air for 5 tabata timer, my legs and arms started shivering. Did I give up on the quest? Not at all, remember my coach mantra 'programme your mind, and you'll do it'. That was my source of inspiration, my mind was programmed, and I successfully completed the reverse plank. The fourth programme was sit-ups👇🏽.



We did this programme by laying flat on a soft mat, bend our legs, then stretched up to touch our heel using our hands which was closer to our butts. Due to limited mat space, we implemented a rotational system to accommodate the entire team. After completing 2 Tabata timers, I left my spot to the next pair, allowing them to finish their 2 timers. This sequence was repeated 4 times, ensuring each team member completed their full 8-minute Tabata workout.

To be very honest here, getting up to touch my heels was a bit difficult for me, I don't know why, not as if I'm fat. With the help of @kidi40, who pressed my toe down, I was able to pull my body to touch my heels, and at last, I completed the programme with ease, all thanks to him. The fifth abs attack programme was plank variation👇🏽.



We performed a Dynamic Plank variation with Rotations by assuming an L-shape hand position on the mat, extending our legs behind us, supporting our body with our toes, balancing in mid-air, and twisted our body to the left and right, targeting our core, obliques, and shoulder stability. This was my favorite abs attack programme of the day, though I felt some pains, but it wasn't that painful compared to others. It was enough to call it a day, completing 5 abs attack programme is not an easy task. We concluded today's training with stretching 👇🏽.



We performed a comprehensive stretching routine, targeting various muscle groups through ankle rotations (twisting), squats with legs hip-width apart, neck rotations (circular movements), and single-leg balance with lateral reach (balancing on right leg, stretching left arm for stability while bending). At the end of any exercise, it's important to stretch because it improves flexibility, balance, and range of motion.

As my abs workout journey comes to a close, I'm thrilled to have completed every program designed by my exceptional coach, @ngoenyi. Her guidance and motivation have been instrumental in fueling my progress, and I'm forever grateful. We go again tomorrow!!!🏋🏻‍♂️

10% beneficiary to @worldsmile
🚨Few pictures are captured using my phone, while most of them are captured from my teammate's phone and posted on stayfit WhatsApp group
◦•●◉✿Thank You✿◉●•◦

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