Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week2 | I Love Myself to The Moon and Back by @alihussain07



So here we are in the second week of the 3rd season of steemit Engagement Challenge and now its 3rd day of 2nd week. Today I am going to make post about I love myself to the moon and back. This engagement challenge is a kind of gift for all the people in order to show their presence and they also make their connect with each other. We can get different ideas by reading the post of different people and we come to know about the culture of different countries.

My Doubts

Doubt about Steemit

My journey on the this great platform was started about 1.5 years ago. It was the time when I was doing my graduation in the field of chemistry. One of my friend @noraiz told me about this platform so after his advice I start my work on steemit. Actually at that time I come up with the mind of earnings but after joining this platform I come to know that its a great platform to learn as well as to earn.

My biggest concern at that time was writing the Crypto academy post. When I saw the people writing the post of almost 1500 to 200 words I really thinks that how I can do this. Even in the start days of crypto academy work, I didn't take part in crypto academy work. But later on the same friend gives me good suggestions to overcome my doubt in this field.

Another doubt about steemit is the steem power of the people, when I start my work on steemit I have very low power. But when I see the people's account they have power in thousands so I really wonder that how can I do this. But as a student I have to cope up all my experiences of the study so that is why I cannot keep my account in club100. I have to withdraw steem in order to make me financially stable. So that is this dreams may not achieved.

My doubt about my self

If I talk about the personal doubt that I belongs to me in my past arr that sometimes I doubt that weather I will study further or not because of our financial conditions that was not good at that time. There was another fear of passing my board exams because people asked that board exams are too much difficult. There was another doubt that always remain in my mind of passing the chemistry subject because in the start when I chose chemistry people said that it is very difficult subject and I cannot do this. So these were some doubt in my mind.

How I overcome these Doubts

In order to overcome my issues that are related to steemit, I start reading the post in steemit crypto academy and also tutorial from the YouTube about the trading. Some friends of mine who were working in binnance I get so me help from them in oder to understand about the analysis. After that I start my work in steemit crypto academy in season 3 and after that in other season. Especially in the 6th season tht was specially about the trading.

In order to over come my personal problem I always struggle hard. Some of the step that I taken in order to overcome the doubt that I have in my personal life are

Connect to Allah Almighty

I always pray to Allah Almighty to get that is best for me. I always connect to Allah through the prayers. It gives me inner peace and courage to stand even in bad circumstances. When you believe in Allah it it makes our heart and mind satisfied and we believe that we can do everything in the life

Financial doubt solution

In my life I also have doubt that weather I will study further or not due to not good financial conditions. So after that I start giving turion to the students of primarily and middle class and the earnings that I do from there is used to cope up my financial problems. When I was in 7th class I also studied the students of KG class in order to earn some rupess.

After that this platform of steemit came which helps me a lot to came out from the doubt of coping up my financial doubt and how I can complete my studies. Steemit gives me enough money to cope up my needs of life.

My doubt about Chemistry

I always start reading more and more about chemistry from different teacher and also video lecture from the YouTube which helps me a lot to clear my doubts about the passing of chemistry subject. It was the result of my great hardworking that Now I am doing MPhil in the field of chemistry.

What makes you to love yourself


There are many reasons due to which always love myself. First of all I have the decision power ability which makes me enable to love myself. I always feel proud when I did not need to dependent on other in order to do my decision. I always able to make my decision with good mindset that encourage me.

The other thing that able to makes me love myself is my consistently and not fear of losing. When I do commitment of doing something I start my passion of working on it no matter what are the condition. No matter I have the resources or not. And the second thing is that I did not have the fear of losing. When I didn't able to win something I did not think that I should stop struggling but instead I start my work with full zeal.

The another thing which makes me happy is to help the others . I always help the needy people which gives me inner peace and comfort. I also advised others also help the poor and needy people and then you are also rewarded by the God with Heath and wealth.

What you must do to prioritize your happiness

The most basic principle to set priorities in life is take up the most important job for you right now, before you became urgent and important. As we know that if we have enough time to do a job then we can add our creativity and do it with full interest and give our best on it. On the other hand when we get delayed Star a jon then we may have to make health to finish it before the deadline which may turn into lack of interest.

So in order to prioritize our happiness, first of all we should left all the other work which did not gives us courage and not are source of peace. When we left all these work then we feel the inner peace and I think so this is the first sign of comfort.

In order to prioritize my happiness I always give most of my extra time to my family and friends as they are the most important part of my life. When I am with my family and friends I always feel easy and happy.


There must be an outside trip during the boring life of daily routine. This will also make me happy as I am very found of traveling. I will also do this to prioritize my happiness


So in conclusion I would like to say that God has made nothing useless so you all should not be discouraged and disheartened by your work and bt your fate. Always believe in the creator of the world and work for your happiness and prosperity with full zeal and comfort.

I would like to invite @steemdoctor1 @malikusman1 and @jani786 to take part in the contest.

First cover picture made with canva and all others are with camera of my mobile phone oppo F9

 2 years ago 

Doubts are limiting beliefs which can lead to fear. It affected you on the Steemit platform and in your plans to write your board exams.

But I'm glad that you have been able to overcome by doing the needful.

 2 years ago 

Amazing write up @alihussain07 your doubts are very similar to mine and also I like how you deal with it.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot brother for your precious comment

 2 years ago 

I always connect to Allah through the prayers. It gives me inner peace and courage to stand even in bad circumstances

Prayers are the solution to our problems in times of challenges and Allah knows better than we do.
Also the fear of not being afraid of losing is a great mindset to winning. great content my friend.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot my dear friend for your valuable comment

 2 years ago 

You are doing great by overcoming your fears, i am glad Steemit was a huge support to you too, good luck!

 2 years ago 

You have presented this post in a very great manner and the way you have presented your doubts on the platform is really appreciable.

In my life I also have doubt that weather I will study further or not due to not good financial conditions. So after that I start giving turion to the students of primarily and middle class and the earnings that I do from there is used to cope up my financial problems. When I was in 7th class I also studied the students of KG class in order to earn some rupess.

Yes brother you are very right there. The financial issues are sometimes like a barrier in the way of studies. And I am happy to know that you compromised with your situation and kept up your race.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us and wishing you all the best in the contest.

 2 years ago 

So many people worry about the fate of their education. I like that you overcome your doubts via studies and continuous learning. Practice makes perfect.

Greetings brother

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