THE PLACE WHERE I LIVE #1 : Gampong Kanot

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Overview of My Village Gampong Kanot

Geographical and Demographic Description of Gampong Kanot

Gampong Kanot is located in Syamtalira Aron District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Indonesia province,



Gampong is the Acehnese language of the Village which is the lowest government structure in the Indonesian government system, each village or Gampong is led by a village head. Currently the village head or in Acehnese is called Geuchik for my village is T. Anwar

The history of Gampong Kanot has been around for hundreds of years, along with the development of the Samudera Pasai kingdom which was the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia, Kanot in Acehnese means pot, because in the past, many residents of Gampong Kanot made pots by profession, so it was called Gampong Kanot.

My village is located in the eastern region of North Aceh district and geographically is included in a potential area for agriculture, especially rice crops because it is located in a lowland area of ​​North Aceh Regency with a wide expanse of rice fields and is supported by technical irrigation networks so that it can be planted and harvested twice. times a year.

My Vilage in The Morning

The view of the village of Kanot where I live is very beautiful with a backdrop of mountains and vast expanses of rice fields, the view of the sunrise is very enchanting with the fresh morning air.

Beautiful Sunrise at My Village

North : Bordered by Gampong Meucat
South : Bordered by Gampong Kanot
West : Bordering Moncrang Village
East : Bordering with Gampong U Blang Asan

Village names
Gampong Kanot consists of 3 (three) hamlets, namely:
Leubok hamlet
Hamlet of Sarah Raja
Dusun Tgk. Dirmba.

Population Conditions and Community Diversity

Based on population data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of North Aceh Regency Source The population of Gampong Kanot, Syamtalira Aron District at the end of 2021 is 735 people with details of 385 women and 380 men spread over three hamlets, with Dusun Leubok being the most populous hamlet , which consists of 161 Heads of Families (KK).

The religious condition of the residents of my village is still very good, Islam is the religion of all citizens, every Wednesday and Sunday evening recitations are held to deepen religious knowledge to all members of the community

The social condition of the people of Gampong Kanot in the village's internal order is quite good where a sense of brotherhood and friendship between residents is always maintained. This is evidenced by a fairly high sense of tolerance between residents, for example gotong royong held every Friday by the gampong community, wedding receptions where the community helps each other by raising money for party expenses with duek pakat activities and if there are residents who experience calamities the community remains pray for up to 7 days.

Traditional Wedding

The economic condition of the people of Gampong Kanot, Syamtalira Aron District, North Aceh Regency is currently relatively weak where most of the people live and work as laborers (builders) and farming, although many are already well established, especially those who have a fairly large paddy field and pursue various professions. others. The general economic condition of the people of Gampong Kanot is still many who are underprivileged.

The economic activity of Gampong Kanot, Syamtalira Aron District, relies on the agricultural sector, where the majority of the people are active as farmers working on rice fields according to the geographical conditions of the Gampong which is an area suitable for rice fields.


Rice fields as the Main Income for My Village

The condition of public education is quite good, generally young people have attained higher education to bachelor's degrees, as well as for religious education there are Islamic boarding schools or study centers.

Islamic Education

The values ​​of local wisdom and community culture in Gampong Kanot are still considered very strong, for example the culture of mutual assistance, the custom of commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the traditional feast of blang to start the rice planting period in the fields and other customs and norms. norms inherent in society.

In my sub-district, there are also many stemians who have been active for a long time such as @klen.civil, @humaidi, bang @moer, @aril.hatake @adivender @fajrulakmal99 @riska.amanda @jasonmunapasee and many more who live in the same district but are different village with me.

That's an overview of the village where I live, thanks to @pennsif who has organized this contest, let's all take part in this contest to describe the area where you live which I believe has a unique and different beauty

Thanks For Your Attention and Support



Best Regard,




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Thank you for a great first entry to my new contest.

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Interesting, but I'd like to know the challenges you and your community face too.

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