#club100|| Factors That Cause Subsidized Gas Sold Above The High Price Set By The Government

Factors That Cause Subsidized Gas Sold Above The High Price Set By The Government



Oil and gas are the two main commodities as a very crucial source of energy for a country, including in Indonesia, the price of oil and gas in Indonesia is subsidized by the government so that it is affordable for the people. The government sets the highest retail price for oil and gas, but in reality it is like gas prices. 3 kg LPG cylinders are sold above the price set by the government

This article is a continuation of my first article about the phenomenon of selling subsidized LPG above the price set by the government, in my article this time I will examine the cause of the 3 kg gas being sold above the price set by the government, even though sales This violates the rules and can be subject to sanctions because gas is an item whose price has been subsidized by the government

Based on my interview, in buying and selling gas at Pangkalan Meugah Raya, buyers usually use speech or it could be by using gestures. For example, by using a signal, namely by showing one finger according to the number of gas cylinders to be purchased. For example, buying a gas cylinder measuring 3 Kg, the buyer shows one finger to the seller, if the buyer wants to buy two gas cylinders then uses two fingers and so on. The perpetrators of buying and selling are workers or base owners and gas buyers are generally adults (akil baligh) and very rarely buy gas for underage children, because gas is a dangerous item so parents are very careful and don't tell their children to buy gas. his son to buy gas.

In every sale and purchase, there must be an acceptance contract between the seller and the buyer. Ijab Kabul is an expression of words between the seller and the buyer which aims to prove the agreement between the two parties. Based on interviews that the author conducted with sellers and buyers, in general, most of their practice of buying and selling gas is accompanied by a contract (ijab and qabul).

Based on my observations, the gas sale and purchase contract that occurs between the two parties, namely the seller and the buyer, is accompanied by the consent of consent used in the sale and purchase of gas, namely by using words, for example: buying a pack of gas.

Regarding the Ijab Kabul contract, according to Mr. Murdani, before the Ijab Kabul takes place, the buyer chooses the gas cylinders to be purchased, generally buyers choose tubes that look new. After selecting the gas cylinders to be purchased, the buyer then submits the empty gas cylinders they carry and some money to pay for the gas price.


In the sale and purchase of gas at Pangkalan Meugah Raya there is no price bargaining, and almost all buyers pay for the gas they buy in cash, but sometimes there are debtors, especially buyers who are very well known, have long been customers and are generally residents who live around the area. Megah Raya gas base.

Furthermore, between the seller and the buyer make an ijab qabul namely lafaz ijab from the seller, for example I sell this gas at a price of Rp. 16.000,-, and the answer qabul from the buyer, for example I bought this gas at a price of Rp. 16.000,- Lafaz qabul was followed by the delivery of gas to the buyer. According to him, sometimes there are gas buying and selling transactions that are carried out without the consent, especially when the conditions are crowded with gas buyers.

To find out the factors causing the sale and purchase of gas above the highest retail price (HET) set by the government at the Meugah Raya gas base and the buyer's responses, the authors conducted interviews with several informants related to both the owner of the Meugah Raya gas base, workers at the Meugah Raya gas base and also consumers who buy gas.


Based on the author's interviews with informants, it can be seen that the factors causing the sale and purchase of gas above the highest retail price (HET) at Pangkalan Gas Meugah Raya are as follows:

1. High Demand for Gas

Based on the author's interview, one of the factors causing the sale and purchase of subsidized gas above the highest retail price (HET) is the high demand for subsidized gas, especially subsidized gas measuring 3 Kg which is used by the majority of residents for cooking. According to Mr. Muslem as the owner of the Meugah Raya Gas Base, the high demand for subsidized gas has been felt in recent years because almost all people now cook using gas, after the government provided free gas stoves to all residents. According to him, for now, it is very rare to find households, especially in the Bungkah area and its surroundings, who cook using firewood.

As a result of the high demand for gas, gas stocks run out very quickly so that people sometimes queue to buy it, even when the gas trucks that arrive in less than an hour are sold out by small traders who resell in their kiosks and other general public who been waiting a long time. As a result of this condition, many residents are willing to pay a higher price than the official price, such as for a 3 kg gas cylinder, the highest retail price (HET) is Rp. 16.000, - or the equivalent of 4 steem, but many residents are willing to deposit their money in advance of Rp. 20.000, - or the equivalent of 5 steem so that when the gas supply comes they get the gas they need. They also buy two or three tubes at a time to anticipate scarcity.

The act of buyers who dare to pay above the official price of the highest retail price (HET) set by the government is certainly not rejected by gas sellers, because it is more profitable for the sellers and there is no element of coercion from the seller.


2. Gas scarcity

Based on my interview with Mr. Murdani who works daily at Pangkalan Gas Meugah Raya, the increase in gas prices above the official price set by the government with the highest retail price benchmark (HET) is also due to the scarcity of goods and the difficulty of getting gas supplies from distributor agents, even though at the time At the same time, residents' need for gas is increasing, such as facing the month of fasting, holidays or certain months such as the month of Maulid, so that many residents need gas. According to him, gas shortages usually occur within a few days to a week or two. When gas becomes scarce and it is difficult to get supplies from distributors, it also reduces sales and stores gas that is still in warehouses to be sold when the price has risen due to scarcity.

According to Mrs. Eli, one of the residents, the scarcity of subsidized gas, especially the cylinder size of 3 Kg often occurs at certain times so that the gas price at the base exceeds the highest retail price (HET), this is certainly very difficult for residents who live far from the village because to cooking is not possible to find firewood, forced to buy kerosene for a few days to cook which is quite expensive until the gas scarcity can be overcome, but it is not uncommon if there is a shortage of 3 kg gas cylinder size, as a solution he chooses to buy 12 kg gas cylinder size and use it for cooking. As a consumer, Mrs. Eli really hopes that related parties such as the Government can monitor the sale of LPG gas down to the base level so that the price does not increase beyond the highest retail price set by the government, so as not to harm buyers.

Mr. Anwar also complained about gas scarcity, according to him, gas scarcity, especially the size of the 3 Kg cylinder, does not only often occur in the Lapang sub-district, but also occurs in almost all areas in North Aceh Regency and other areas in Indonesia, as is often reported on television and newspapers. According to him, the government should be able to anticipate the need for gas, especially those with a 3 Kg cylinder size by providing sufficient gas stocks and increasing the subsidized gas quota for areas that often experience scarcity, because gas has become an important need for the middle to lower class people. As a result of the scarcity, of course, subsidized gas prices will rise and be sold above the official price due to limited gas stocks.


3. Reduction of gas supply from distributor

The practice of buying and selling LPG gas above the highest retail price (HET) that occurred at the Meugah Raya gas base was also due to a reduction in supply from distributors so that the price automatically went up. This was conveyed to the author by Mr. Muslem as the owner of the Meugah Raya gas base.
According to him, distributors may deliberately reduce the amount of gas supply so that prices will increase because demand for gas remains high while supply is reduced. With the scarcity, the distributors raised the LPG gas redemption price slightly from the distributor to the base, then the gas base was forced to resell the gas at a price above the highest retail price (HET) set by the government, this was done by the gas base to avoid losses because the price given by the distributor is higher than the official price set by the government. According to Mr. Muslem, this could happen because of the weak supervision from both Pertamina and the government, in this case the relevant agencies and agencies on the distribution of subsidized gas.


4. Increased Transportation and Distribution Costs

To reach customers, especially those living in sub-districts within the North Aceh Regency, which are distributed through designated gas bases, LPG undergoes a distribution and transportation process from Pertamina depots, then distributed to agents as distributors, then distributed to gas bases that exist in all areas of North Aceh Regency. The process of gas distribution and the increase in transportation costs due to the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) Gas and other factors are the reasons for justifying the increase in gas prices above the highest retail price (HET) set by the government.

The above conditions were conveyed in the author's interview with Mr. Murdanai, according to him, apart from the increase in transportation costs for gas delivery from distributors due to the increase in the price of fuel oil some time ago, the increase in gas distribution costs was also due to the increase in the cost of other components in the gas distribution process, namely the cost of gas distribution. loading and unloading from the Pertamina depot factory to trucks and also loading and unloading costs from trucks to the gas base storage warehouse.

Based on the results of the research that I have described above, it can be concluded that the Meugah Raya gas base distributes LPG gas sizes of 3 Kg and 12 Kg to communities in the Lapang District and surrounding areas, gas supplies are distributed regularly by distributors to Pangkalan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


The buyers are generally housewives and traders who are the owners of shops who resell in retail in gampongs in the Lapang sub-district. Gas that is generally purchased by consumers is the size of 3 Kg. Under normal conditions, 3 Kg gas is sold for Rp. 17,000, - or the equivalent of 4.2 Steem even under certain conditions and there is a scarcity sold for Rp. 20,000, - or the equivalent of 5 steem, while government regulations require the price of 3 Kg gas to be Rp. 16.000,- or the equivalent of 4 steem because gas is a commodity subsidized by the government.

In the sale and purchase of gas at Pangkalan Meugah Raya, the perpetrators have fulfilled the requirements, namely that they are adults and are accompanied by consent, there is no bargaining on prices and generally gas payments are made in cash. Several factors causing the sale and purchase of gas above the highest retail price set by the government include high gas demand, gas scarcity, reduced gas supply from distributors and increased transportation and distribution costs.


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