Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 week4 | Your Involvement in Acts of Kindness - Assistance in distribution of TCB products to the distressed and helpless people

Note: 25% of payout is donated to charity via @worldsmile account. #worldsmileproject25pc


Picsart design

Sholtaka Union Complex Location.

Dear friends, I hope you are well and healthy. Today I am going to share with you that I am going to express my Involvement in Acts of Kindness. Where I have seen the involvement in Acts of Kindness is that I have involved myself in the work that has been distributed among the low-middle class destitute and helpless people at the low cost of the Sholtaka Union complex. In light of that I am going to participate in this contest. Let's start where I have tried to express in Acts of Kindness.


Distressed and helpless people are standing with money in their hands to buy TCB products. And by standing in this line they will get the products of this TCB to each other. And they are eagerly waiting in line to take TCB's products.

At present, the prices of essential commodities in Bangladesh are rising. That is why it has become a misery for the middle class miserable helpless people of Bangladesh. Therefore, it is not possible to control the prices of these upward products at the initiative of the Bangladesh government. That is why the government of Bangladesh has launched this TCB product distribution program for the middle class destitute and helpless people. In the same way, oil, pulses and sugar, three essential commodities, have been distributed among all the people in the union complex at Sholatakaya today.


Men and women are standing in separate lines at the Sholtaka Union Complex waiting for TCB's products.

Men and women were standing in line at the Sholtaka Union Complex to pick up TCB's products. And the products they wanted to take included oil, sugar and soybean oil. Since these are currently at higher prices in Bangladesh. The government of Bangladesh has kept the prices of all products under control with subsidies and among the middle class people you can see these products at low prices and in pictures. The two lines that are in the process of making these products and there are people standing in line to buy these products.

TCB Products

  • 2 liters of soybean oil
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 2 kg lentils

Below you can see a picture of TCB's products that have been distributed among these miserable helpless middle class at low prices. There was two liters of soybean oil, 2 kg of lentils and 1 kg of sugar which was distributed among the people by the Bangladesh government at a fixed price.


Five two-liter bottles of soybean oil.


There are five packets of sugar and five packets of lentils.

These products have been distributed among these middle class helpless people at a low price fixed among all these products. And these products are essential products that people commonly use or eat. So people need all these daily necessities. The initiative of the government of Bangladesh is a very attractive initiative. The daily necessities are distributed among the people at low prices.

Cost of TCB Products

2 liters of soybean oil40020
1 kg of sugar804
2 kg lentils1809


A man is taking this TCB product. The workers assigned here are recruited from them.

In the picture you can see a middle class man collecting these necessities with his own hands in exchange for money. He was very happy with these products at the fixed low price and he has collected these essentials to meet the needs of the family. I myself was involved in this work and took this picture of myself when he received these products.


The workers in charge are always busy selling their TCB products and he is taking a fixed price or money from the public.

The workers who were hired by the government to sell TCB products are busy selling these products for money. I took this picture at a time when these workers were busy selling these necessities to them. You can see in the picture that they are selling all the products to the buyers with money. Although these questions are being passed on to the public through low cost government subsidies.


All these TCB products are being packaged in small polythene for sale at affordable prices. Workers are engaged in this work.

2 liter soybean oil bottle, 2 kg lentil pulses, pulses being packed 2 kg according to weight. And its next product is one kg of sugar. The workers in charge here are busy packing them according to their weight. The whole picture is of this place. I kept my own involvement with this supportive activity and I was very happy to be able to involve myself in all these human endeavors.

I was at the Involvement in Act of Kindness to distribute TCB's products at the Sholtaka Union Parishad at today. And I kept myself involved in this activity. So that these products were able to be distributed among the poor and middle class people.

Cc: @miftahuddin @irawandedy @heriadi @klen.civil @sofian88





This is pure act of kindness. But, why can't government dispense those tcb products to citizens free of charge? Anyway, is there any special thing about tcb products?

 2 years ago 

The products subsidized by the government are called TCB products. Which are distributed to the public at low cost. Thanks.

Ok dears friend. From my perspective, tcb varies right? It can be food, it can be other things. But the source is government and such products are known as tcb. Hope am correct?

 2 years ago 

You and your group of amazing team have done a great job in helping these needy ones @abalam.

The world needs more and more cups of kindness such as this, i appreciate you.

I am sure that the TCB items distributed went a long way in putting smiles on their faces, welldone !

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your important comments. Good luck.🙏

 2 years ago 

It's my pleasure.

 2 years ago 

How you put smile on a whole lot of people on that cue, only Gid can reward you, the economic crisis is everywhere, it is just more in some places than other places, you are there for your people and I know your act of kindness will never be forgotten.

Continue doing Good work

 2 years ago 

Thanks for comment 🙏

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

You have hardworking and committed group which works in team with trust and confidence. Your acts of kindness are appreciated. Good luck for contest ☺️

 2 years ago 

The position of everyone in our group was to work with each other spontaneously and there is involvement in everyone. Thank you.👍

 2 years ago 

The cheap market to help the underprivileged people to shop for basic needs, which is important cooking oil, sugar, lentils is very useful at this time the price of these types of goods has gone up. Hopefully the purchasing power of the people in your country will return to normal, the price increase will indeed have a very broad impact on the village community. Thank you for sharing an interesting article and good luck in this contest. Greetings from me @waterjoe :)

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for posting your important comments. Good luck.🙏

 2 years ago 

Your initiative to help people with basic commodities is so great. We cannot deny that the rise in prices affect the less fortunate the most. It's so heart breaking. Thank you for reaching out to them, you and your team. You will be blessed

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your feedback.👍

 2 years ago 

En Bangladesh, recientemente hubo una inundación, por lo que estas actividades de bondad son necesarias ya qeu muchas personas perdieron todo lo que poseían.

Felicidades por su buen corazón.

Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Hello @abalam, this activity where you participate is really a great act of kindness, it is important to provide assistance and organization to serve the people who expect this timely help. Some time ago in my country there was a donation activity very similar to this in some cities and towns, nowadays it is not so frequent.

 2 years ago 

Gracias por sus comentarios importantes.🙏

 2 years ago 

In fact, you have rightly said that the middle class and the lower class are suffering a lot because the prices of all essential commodities have gone up in Bangladesh. The initiative taken by the government in this case is very good, it is really good to see that some products are being given to the people at low prices.

 2 years ago 

Thanks 🙏

 2 years ago 

Hello brother, you did a great job in distributing TCB's products at the Sholtaka Union. It will go a long way to help the people and may God bless you for that actofkindness you guys carried out

 2 years ago 

Thanks brother 🙏

 2 years ago 

Welcome bro 🤗

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