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RE: What does 'spirituality' mean to you?

in Ask Steem Anything3 years ago (edited)

The NATURAL MAN, congenitally is SELF CONCSIOUS (Selfish), hence Evil in Thoughts and in Acts , to his fellow Man and Animals. These are intrinsically coded within him . It is therefore, his nature to do EVIL as it is for a scaled Fish to live and swim in the Waters. Evil is the natural habitat of humans.

What is Religion??

It is a conscious STRIVE by the natural man to SUSPEND the Evil nature of man from being malevolence to BENEVOLENCE through Acts , engendered by Psychic re-orientation , enabled by a NON-PHYSICAL POWER SOURCE , often refered as God

Religion translates the natural man from being Selfish and Evil to an ultruilstic Entity.

Beyond transforming the man , Religion also guarantees a sustainable , non - biological( spirit life )after Somatic Death from this physical Earth.

Religion is founded on the TRUTH of Biological lìfe being TEMPORAL, while Spiritual life is ETERNAL, thus the temporal biological existence should be SACRIFICED for the Eternal Spiritual Life .

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