What If We Could Remember All Our Past Lives?

|| Calton, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons ||

In this series of open-ended questions we will explore with the Ask.Steem Community hypothetical questions prefaced with the words "What if".

The questions will delve into the infinite possibilities stretching from the highly improbable (but possible) to the highly probable. When the mind is stretched to think in that manner, it becomes the hotbed for new ideas, hypotheses, theories, discoveries and inventions. The world we live in and the conveniences we take for granted are largely the by-products of the imaginary adventures our forefathers undertook after having asked countless hypothetical "What if" questions.

We will also explore the scenario analysis known as 'Counterfactual Thinking' - analyzing the possible alternative scenarios instead of those that happened. What events would have followed if something didn't happen or something else had happened? Questions like, "What if Japan won in World War II ?" "What if Hitler believed in ahimsa, like Mahatma Gandhi? "What if President John F Kennedy was not assassinated on November 22, 1963?"

The process will encourage you to think critically and creatively out of box, however ridiculous it may be. It could be both educational and fun.

Note about today's question:

This question naturally presumes that reincarnation is a fact. Not everyone believes in reincarnation. In some religious traditions reincarnation is a given and in others it is not.

Years of research has gone into this subject. In 2017, the University of Virginia published the results of their findings on reincarnation after 50 years of research. In the video below the faculty from the Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, highlights their work since its founding. Whatever your believe is, you may find it an interesting video to watch.

Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA

Previous Ten Questions:

What If Humans Can Fly Like Birds Unaided?

What If Humans Discovered A Way To Live Without Food?

What If The Earth Is Twice Its Current Size?

What If Humans Could Breathe Underwater Just Like Fish?

What if John F. Kennedy wasn't assassinated on November 22, 1963?

What If The Earth Spins On Its Axis Northward Instead Of Eastward?

What If Everything Is Free?

What If All The Insects Disappeared?

What If Humans Went Extinct?

What If All Our Memories Are Erased Overnight?


We would go insane knowing of all the atrocities committed by us in our past lives. Besides all those religions that believe in one life theory would go extinct sooner or later.

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