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RE: Is gold rise a bull trap or bull run?

in Ask Steem Anything3 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemfirst,

If you don't disclose the copyright details how would we know the source of the image used and whether you have complied with the rules of the community? Do you think we have some extra sensory perception to perceive and know something only you are privy to?

Besides, you don't seem to have read the rules and understood them.

Please read the pinned article Important Notice - Copyright Infringements and confirm in the comment section thereof that you have read and understood it. Whilst you are at it, please also read the "Rules" of the community and make sure you understand them before posting your next article in this community.

If you don't understand what is an "open-ended question" then Google it. It is as simple as that and it is always there 24/7 to help you. There are plenty of extremely easy-to-understand resources there.

You have indicated that the image used is your own with this notation, "Image used in own by me," as an appendage to the image. You have also stated in your comment that you use MT4 and TradingView for your analysis and screenshot their images, implying that you use images from both MT4 and TradingView.

Trading View

The 'Terms of Use, Policies and Disclaimers' of Trading View, clearly states at Sections 3, 4 and 6 that the images, among others, are the exclusive property of TradingView, their affiliates or their Data Providers (and therefore you don't own the copyright to the image) and if you use it elsewhere you must give attribution to Trading View in the format specified by them. Here is the link to their Terms of Use, Policies and Disclaimers

If you had used an image from Trading View, clearly you would be infringing their copyright by not giving them attribution in the appropriate format and worst still if you had claimed ownership rights to it.

Meta Trader

MetaTrader4 has a similar prohibition at 'Legal Information' page, which reads,

© 2000–2021, MetaQuotes Ltd, a software development company. All rights reserved.
The information on this site is protected by copyright. You may not distribute, link, or reproduce by any means or in any form any portion of this website without prior written consent of MetaQuotes.

Further Section 2.5 of their End User License Agreement, states as follows:

2.5. Exclusive Ownership.
You acknowledge and agree that any and all IP Rights in the Product, MetaQuotes' Software, any MetaQuotes' Website, MetaQuotes' Online Materials and MetaQuotes' Promotional Materials are and shall remain the exclusive property of MetaQuotes. Nothing in this Agreement intends to transfer to/or vest in You any such IP Rights.

You are only entitled to the limited use of the licensed Product granted to You under this Agreement. You will not take any action to jeopardize, limit or interfere with the IP Rights. You acknowledge and agree that any unauthorized use of the IP Rights is in violation of this Agreement, as well as a violation of the international intellectual property laws and treaties, including without limitation copyright laws and trademark laws.

Interpretation of the above contractual terms

It is absolutely clear under both Trading View's and MetaTraders4's agreements that you cannot own their images but can have a limited right to use them with conditions attached.

Trading View makes it clear in their agreement that you can use them provided you give attribution in the appropriate format specified.

Meta Trader4 DOESN'T have any such provision giving you automatic right to use their images with attribution. Instead it says you may not distribute, link, or reproduce by any means or in any form any portion of their website without PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT from them.

The image you used is from Meta Trader.

Therefore, it appears that instead of getting a prior written consent from Meta Trader to use the image you have in total disregard of your contract with MetaTrader and with apparent impunity claimed ownership rights to the image!

Perhaps we are wrong in our analysis of the agreements. If so, please explain to us how and where we have gone wrong.

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