What, in your opinion, is the most momentous moment in the history of human existence, and why? steemCreated with Sketch.

in Ask Steem Anything4 years ago (edited)

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Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

We are all familiar with momentous moments in our lives - graduation, marriage, death of a loved one, and others. These are moments in our lives that changed the course of our lives forever is some way. We remember them because we were directly and significantly affected by these events.

However, when we speak of momentous moments in the history of human existence, we are referring to events that have had a profound effect on human beings in such a way that they changed the world in a significant way. Most of these events would have happened long before we were born. Some of these could have happened thousands of years ago. Therefore, unless we are students of history, we may not even be aware of such events or their significance in our present life.

To help you familiarize with some of the significant moments in the history of human existence, we have appended below links to some materials from which you could glean some useful information before answering the above question.

Naturally, given the differences in our knowledge of the events and our pre-dispositions, we would have differences in our views on which one of the events is the most momentous in the history of human existence. That would make our discussion both interesting and insightful.


15 Most Important Historical Events That Changed The World Forever


The 10 Most Important Moments and Events in History

Events that changed the world


In my opinion, the greatest moments of human history occurred in unrecorded history in the paleolithic era in several geographic locations independent of each other. Those include the inventions of fire, agriculture and the wheel.The Greatest moment of recorded history should be invention of the printing machine. Prior to it distribution of knowledge was a slow process so genesis of a new knowledge was a rare event. As knowledge spread the production and economy became knowledge based rather than material/ land based making conventional warfare redundant in developed areas. Now the wars are limited to areas with material based wealth.
So ultimately the printing machine made the world a more peaceful and wealthy comfortable place

Thanks for your erudite thoughts on the matter, @seasam119. If you had explained why the invention of printing machine is considered a greater moment than the advent of internet, the discussion would have been much more interesting.

yeah Internet also greatly increased the rate of distribution of knowledge. but it is also a result of the scientific revolution which is in debt to the printing machine. It is really difficult to measure both and decide which is the greatest. But because the internet wouldn't have happened if it werent for the printing machine I rate the printing machine higher.

Logical reasoning. Thanks for the great input, @seasam119.

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