I'm Willing To Be A Promoter & Follow Community Rules #Venezuela by @saracampero

in Steem Marketing3 years ago


Hello, DEAR XD

In this opportunity, I am here to accept my new role as promoter of my country "venezuela" in the PromoSteem community. :D If you can't believe it yet, I invite you to visit the following announcement where I am mentioned as the winner of the role.

Poster of the announcement

I promise to fulfill and accept all the rules established in my responsibilities and if I don't achieve it I accept to be removed if I don't fulfill the requirements and responsibilities.

  • Become a role model for other users from your country.
  • Guide users from your country by commenting on their posts.
  • Become a leader for promotional activities in your country by cooperating with users from your country.
  • Active in PromoSteem Discord for interaction with users
  • Become a host for a Country Radio Show in DISCORD, at least once in 2 weeks
  • Mandatory to make weekly reports about your performance as a promoter
  • Mandatory become a delegator for @promosteem.com
  • Mandatory set 10% payout for each of your posts on the promosteem channel to @promosteem.com
  • As a promoter, you must have good standards in making post content
  • Willing to be removed from the team if performance is not good or role abuse. By @promosteem.com

I also promise to continue promoting in my country, to continue guiding and advising the users of my country to copy this activity, and to be attentive to answer any questions or doubts of my colleagues and users in everything that has to do with the promotion of steemit.

As part of the requirement I leave a sample of my delegation to the community, I had to make this new ignition, since as a lover of community building, I have all my SP destined to my favorite community Steem Women's Club.

Captura de pantalla 2021-09-03 a la(s) 10.23.20 a. m..png
Steemscan.com transaction ID

Thank you very much for coming to enjoy my blog, I hope you liked it and come back soon.

Best Regards
Country Representative Venezuela


 3 years ago 

Wecome to the team sara

Thanks my friend :D

Good to see you in the team, welcome, make steem great!

Thanks my friend :D

 3 years ago 

Hola, bienvenida a la comunidad en su nuevo rol como promotor. El desafío será la recompensa. Felicidades.

Gracias por la bienvenida, bella :D

 3 years ago 

Welcome to the blockchain dear

Thanks my friend:D

 3 years ago 

Felicidades Saraaa🥳🥳🥳 Dios siga bendiciendo tus pasos, se que, como siempre, harás un trabajo brutal! Millones de éxitos siempre 💖💖

Gracias querida :D espero verte activa promocionando steemit :D

 3 years ago 

Welcome to community !

thanks my friend :D

 3 years ago 

Congratulations on doing an extraordinary job!

Thanks my dear friend: D

Te deseo todo el éxito del mundo !!! Has trabajado para ello.

Gracias querida :D espero verte activa promocionando steemit :D

 3 years ago (edited)

You are most welcome to the promoter's team.

Thanks my friend :D

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