in Steem Marketing3 years ago
Hey Steemians!

As some of you already know, few days ago new idea popped out in my head and since then I'm doing a lot to make it work. I am going to create the newspaper with a good quality content which comes from and I'll use it to integrate users from different communities, get some newcomers and/or investors.

In that publication I'll present you what I already have done until now and what are next steps in the project. I will use the very same post to apply for Entrepreneurs fund launched recently by @pennsif and I'll try to explain how his delegation could help me.

Papi.mati? Who's that guy?!

As I'm a new user, who joined the community less than two months ago, I feel obligated to say few words about myself.

I'm Polish, living in Argentina. I'm social and cultural animator, I was working most of my life as the event manager and hostel manager. Currently I'm not working, which is great as I can focus on this project and dedicate more time to steemit. I'm going to make "Steemit Weekly" newspaper my full-time job and spend 8 hours every day to select the best content and share the newspaper in pdf agrowint version everywhere I can.

I was publishing some articles in "Zielone Wiadomości" (small magazine from Poland) and in few websites before. All my journalist work was non-profit until now, but it can change soon. I might become the tv reporter in the future. I'm in the middle of training and if it will go well, I will be hired since september.

If you want to know me better, here is my achievement 1 


I created five titles and asked for the opinion group of 20 friends. With their help I have decided to stay with simple "Steemit Weekly".

Next step was to create the basic design. It included logo, cover design, choosing the best font and text arrangement. It was also consulted with group of friends. Few times I was forced to edit some details but I think I have it.

Cover will include logo, four articles titles (main article and three others) and photo which will be selected in the contest (ideally in "World of Xpilar" community, although it's too early for offering the partnership yet). Obviously, each week I will be changing that photo.

I have decided to use Garamond font in the articles. It's very traditional solution, Garamond is used in many books and newspapers.

Articles will be published in three columns. Each article will be separated with single line with the title and miniature of the user photo above. Titles will be linked in PDF version so reader can click it and check the original publication.



Articles will be selected in the contests organized in multiple communities which will participate in the program.
All articles will be in English. First edition of beta version was made in two languages - English and Spanish, but after some consultancies we have changed it for English only to allow everyone sharing it in social media with other users, no matter what nationality they are.

Contests will allow me to get the money for the next week reward and for printing (check: "budged")

Every contestant will have to agree for sharing their publication. Their work will be checked if it's not plagiarism, obviously.

I will have to talk with admins of selected communities and ask them for partnership. Admins will agree to pin my contest post once per week. I will be responsible for paying the rewards and selecting the winners. I have prepared 450 STEEM for that and that amount will grow

How contests will look like

Each week I will announce the contests in several communities and suggest the main topic of edition. To make my work easier, contest rules will include:

  • obligatory up-vote and resteem of the rules to let me collect money for the next editions and increase the range
  • information about preferred length and language (English)
  • request to publish link in the comment below the rules. It will make easier to search it.
  • information that each user can participate in multiple contests but with only one publication per community
  • request to include "I agree for the publication and distribution of my article in the electronic and print form of "Steemit Weekly" and in all social media under the conditions of Creative Common license CC BY." in the article.

Publishing and sharing

Newspaper will be published in"Steemit weekly" community and linked in several contest posts in multiple communities. Everyone will be encuraged to download it, share in electronic version or print and distribute it. I will reward users who will do the most to promote "Steemit weekly".

What can we achieve?

Even though making the newspaper will take a lot of effort, I can see many pros of this project:

  • increasing activity and content quality.
    Nothing increase activity more than rewards. Project will be based on multiple contests. At first, few, later when I will gain more funds and experience, much more. I will start with 10 contests (cover, promotion and 8 for the best articles) and in few months I'm going to extend it to 27.
  • getting new users on board
    Every newspaper will include inforgraphic which will inform how to join steemit. I will also mention about it in editors note. As I am offering resteem and up-vote for every new user who will tag me in Achievement1 and will mention that they heard about steemit from my newspaper, I will be able to check how many newcomers we have thanks to this project. I will be informing about it in my reports.


  • getting investors
    There is a chance that with steem newspaper we will get some new investors.
  • making more attractive and integrating users from different communities.
    If many steemians will read the newspaper, there is a big chance that they will become interested in another communities mentioned there. I assume that my project will increase migration of active users between communities and will let them all grow faster.


It's not cheap to make it all work and of course every sponsoring would help a lot, but I know that it's difficult to sponsor any new idea (especially if it's the idea of Newcomer who we don't know well yet), so I am financially prepared to pay for the first few weeks even if newspaper will not bring and income.

Weekly cost includes making several contests, at first with 5 STEEM reward (that amount will be higher later):

  • contest for the best cover
  • contests for the best articles (one in each community): it will be 8 of them at the beginning
  • contest for promoting "Steemit weekly"(10 STEEM)
    It's 55 STEEM

Another cost is related to printing the newspaper. I am going to spend 25% of the income from my up-votes or at least 5 SBD for that. I will distribute it in language schools and hotels.

Finally I will need 5 SBD for the proofreader. Most of us use English but we are not native speakers and we are making many mistakes. Proofreader is absolutely needed.

I do expect to extend project for 25 communities until the end of September. I believe I will be able to double rewards until then. Total cost of the project since October will be 280 STEEM weekly, 5 SBD for the proofreader + 25% of the income from up-votes.

I expect to earn money in few ways:

  • finding sponsors who will be willing to send some steem for the rewards.
    That will make project grow faster but it's possible to achieve all the goals without sponsors too.
  • earning thanks to the advertisement
    It could be promotion of the community on steemit or any service/product
  • gaining SBD from up-votes
    That is the most important way to get the money which I will need for the rewards. I am going to mark in the contest rules that everyone who wants to participate, has to up-vote post. There will be 10 posts with the contests weekly at first (27 in October).
    I will need to get 55 usd (approx 7 SBD) for the next contests, 5 SBD for the printing and 5 SBD for proofreader. It's in total 17 SBD weekly (1,7 SBD per contest).
    I believe it's possible to achieve it.

Everything extra over mentioned 12 SBD will be spent on:

  • additional print (25%)
  • investing in the project, including more communities and increasing rewards (50%)
  • my salary (25%)

In October total cost will increase to 280 steem weekly, but number of contests will increase as well, so expected income from one post will be still low (1.6 SBD, 45 SBD weekly in total). Since then I'm going to distribute extra income on:

  • additional print 25%
  • my salary 75%

How would I use 5000 SP delegation

I promise resteem and up-vote for every reader who will register on steemit and mention the newspaper in their Achievement 1. Unfortunately currently it means that I offer them... 0.01 $. It won't motivate many users. If I could effectively increase my SP thanks to your delegation, I could not only motivate them with my newspaper to register but also I could use my up-votes to motivate them remain active.

Plan for the nearest weeks

I prepared some simple plan with information what I already did and what I'm going to do next, step by step

🟢 Announcing plan on steemit
🟢 Preparing business plan
🟢 Freezing 450 STEEM for the rewards
🟢 Finding the name for the newspaper
🟢 Consulting name with selected users
🟢 Creating social network accounts (twitter, fb, instagram)
🟢 Designing few logos
🟢 Consulting logos with selected group and finding the best
🟢 Designing and consulting cover
🟢 Designing and consulting text arrangement, font and other details
🟢 Designing and consulting advertisement of steemit which will be included every week in the newspaper
🟡 Preparing beta version based on selected content from steemit. Consulting it with friends
🟠 Finding proofreader
🟠 Printing beta version, finding the cheapest place to print
🟠 Creating new community on Steemit
🟠 Inviting selected communities to the project (9)
🟠 Announcing first contests (10)
🟠 Preparing and publishing the first number of the magazine
🟠 Distributing paper version in Rosario
🟠 Preparing weekly report with financial data and information how many new users joined Steemit thanks to "Steem Weekly"
🟠 Extending project for another communities (26)
🟠 Increasing rewards from 5 STEEM to 10 STEEM

My work schedule

Each Monday at 18.00 (BsAs time, GMT -3) I will publish new contests in all the communities and ask admins to pin it. Contests will end on Sunday 18.00 (GMT-3)

Tuesday to Sunday I will regularly read all the applications. I will spend 8 hours daily to do it, so I assume I will be able to read up to 160 publications daily, almost 1000 articles until the end of contest. If it won't be enough, I have three other users who will help me to read it for few STEEM which I can pay from my wallet.
Tuesday is also a day of printing paper version of the newspaper and distributing it to several places in Rosario

Monday morning I'm sending articles to the proofreader and at 18.00 I am publishing new contests again, I am announcing winners of the previous edition and publishing electronic version of the newspaper.

If you want to read more about this project, please check also my previous post about Steemit Newspaper


Congratulations...!!! You Got Upvote
By: PromoSteem Community

Alternative links delegates to

 3 years ago 

Thank you, I appreciate it

Greetings from India 🇮🇳...
Hey man, I am interested in contributing to your project. Be it writing feature articles, picking up interesting articles from Steemit platforms or in organizing contests. Feel free to get in touch, if you have similar plans. Thank You.

Thank you for your application for the Steem Entrepreneurs Fund.

I will be in touch shortly.

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STEEM 0.18
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JST 0.029
BTC 57893.29
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44