Promotion by investment - Intention to participate in spud4steem contest for the first time by @papi.mati

in Steem Marketing3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-28 at 00.10.46.jpeg
Photo cover made with Canva

1st of August is coming and that means the next #spud4steem - a legendary event so many people are talking about! I have heard about it from tens of users before, so I have decided to participate in this edition for the very first time. I'm a bit stressed that I may make some mistakes and burn my entry in the very beginning, but I have read all the rules multiple times so I hope I'll be fine.

I encourage you all to participate in that glorious contest. The rules can be found here . The rewards are impressive. Also, don't forget that powering up is like a reward even without winning the contest. Like I have written many times before, it's a win-win situation, when steemit grows, STEEM value goes up and the user gains some profits like a bigger income, more power in distributing blockchain money, etc. Every power-up should be considered as the activity equal to promoting the portal, as there is nothing that would bring more investors and new users than the high STEEM/SBD price.

If my counting is correct, I will be able to power up approximately 1000 STEEM - absolutely everything that I'll be able to save until the day of #spud4steem. That will increase my total SP by approx 25% and will make me the dolphin! That achievement is a bit more than three months on the portal is very impressive and motivating. If it will work out, my next aim will be to become a double dolphin and collect 10 000 SP by the end of the year. Let's not plan so far in the future though. At first, let's all focus on what's right here and right now and get ready for the powering up on the 1st of August.

before SP.jpg
My wallet before SP power-up


 3 years ago 

The coming days have great news for us all.

Roll on 1 August

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SBD 2.52