How effective is your steem promotion?

in Steem Marketing3 years ago


Since joining the steemit community, I've done my best to spread the word about steem. The essential work of marketing steem and steemit has been taken up by many people, including myself. Others have also discovered how much they like working in this field. If you're a steemit promoter, all you have to talk about is what you're doing to help spread the word about steem and steemit. In other words, a promoter's job is to assist those who are ready to spend a lot of time and money on the steemit platform connect.

Anything goes with this investment. It would be fantastic to have individuals who are willing to put their own money in steem in order to gain money while doing so. The time and creative ideas of others, even if they don't have the money, may go into the creation of tales and timeleines that would be beneficial to people all around the globe.


All of these individuals have been entrusted to your care as a steemit promoter in order to help them join the community. Individuals do not seem to be finding better means of interacting with the correct people steemit is seeking for, based on the data available. As a result, I'm inclined to assume they're struggling to come up with creative ways to promote Steem and Steemit. Experienced steemians and technocrats are on hand to support you in your endeavours.

By writing this post, I want to help those steemians who are having trouble spreading the word about steemit. To that end, I'd like to ask all Steem promoters to describe what they believe is preventing them from having a major Steem promotion in the comment section below. Those who have ideas on how to help others on their promotional path are encouraged to share them. To make the blockchain experience better, I think this will help us enhance our day-to-day strategies for marketing steemit.


links to delegate to



PromoSteem Sponsor :
@stephenkendal , @siz-official, @around-theworld

Kind Regards
PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem As Community Leader
@pojan As Team Support
@ponpase As Team Support

Promoters Team
@mcsamm - Ghana
@nattybongo - Ghana
@oscarcc89 - Venezuela
@talktofaith - Nigeria
@ngoenyi - Nigeria
@saracampero - Venezuela
@shahidchoudary - Pakistan
@ashkhan - Pakistan
@msharif - Bangladesh

discord link.png



Thank You, @mcsamm

 3 years ago 

Well said boss! Here in nigeria we have great promoters giving their best in leadership and promotion. Our promotion so far has bee great.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I'm glad you stopped by; your presence always makes me happy. Do you have any promotional challenges? If so, we'd be happy to help.

 3 years ago 

Actually i have numerous plans but the hurdle is my busy routine but still working on them...

 3 years ago 

Ohk, let me know how best we could help.

I guess i have to double my efforrts from now onwards

 3 years ago 

keep working harder.

 3 years ago 

It’s sometimes challenging in promoting steem but will be a lot easier having someone to lean on .

You doing great

 3 years ago 

am grateful for your effort.

 3 years ago 

Really good job. Very well posted. I have selected your post for Promo-Steem Social media Project. Now I will share your post on Twitter social media to promote.



 3 years ago 

Your work is worth admiring. Thanks for the effort in promoting steemit.

Very thoughtful.

Currently, what hinders me from active promo is the language barrier, most of those who surround me speak a different language.

 3 years ago 

However, if they are educated, you can still communicate with them because you guys use third-party apps to translate the languages you use. It would also be fantastic if you could start learning each other's languages in order to promote steemit.

Thanks for your advice

 3 years ago 

You are most welcome dear.

 3 years ago 

Very Well Said Bro, what better way could there be than for us to share and learn from each other's experiences to help promote the blockchain.

Hi, @mcsamm,

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