Promoting Steemit at Cape Coast teaching hospital; wearing my Steemit Shirt to Work and Explaining the blockchain to a Colleague worker ( 10% payout to with Sketch.

in Steem Marketing3 years ago


Hi everyone,
I hope you are all doing great?
As part of my agenda Steemit to all, I decided to wear my steemghana T-shirt to work today. It’s actually my second day at work since I only came here yesterday.


Me in my T-shirt

I have the blockchain at heart so I taught it wise to represent the blockchain at work. I had the intention that someone will definitely ask me about it and like magic, it worked. I had one of my colleague Physiotherapist asking me about it. I smiled and took the initiative to explain how the blockchain works.


Explaining the features to my collegue

Like almost all the people I did promotion to previously, he had doubts and thought it was a Ponzi scheme. I then empathized on the fact that he doesn’t have to necessarily invest money in now. He can start by doing his achievement Tasks and with time, per his own discretion can buy USDT from Binance and convert to steem then send it to the blockchain and power up.


I explained what powering up meant and emphasized on its importance to both the user and the blockchain.
He still wasn’t convinced enough so I resorted to my last arsenal. i.e my wallet😅.
People really can be convinced easily when it comes to money.
I did a conversation of my estimated account value to Ghana cedis using CoinMarketCap and he was surprised. He immediately wanted to sign up. I told him, I will guide him in signing up but he needs to be consistent because consistency is very prime on the blockchain.


Showing him my wallet details

I am sure some of my other colleagues saw me in my T-shirt but for some unknown reasons failed to ask me. To solve that issue, I have decided to rather approach them when I become familiar with the environment. If my supervisor had seen me doing promotion or anything else besides the purpose for which I was assigned to that hospital, I’m sure I would have been in big trouble.


For the love of the blockchain, I am willing to take that risk😂. Even if he marks me down, I will make up for it when school resumes.

My goal is to spread the gospel of steemit if not to every department in the hospital at least to amount 10 people who will really be serious and consistent.


The extrance of my department

Thank you very much for going through my post.

If you love the blockchain, you must take risks and do promotion.

Peace ✌🏽

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 66996.66
ETH 3235.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63