From Shop To Shop Introducing Prospective Investors to Steem: The Strategies to get them onboard (10% to

in Steem Marketing3 years ago (edited)


My promo work activities has now been channeled to shops around the city of Accra to introduce more prospective Investors to Steem. I visited Achimota Retail Center for this promo work.
I gave a talk about steem and how they can integrate steem in their business and also how they can invest in steem. I was able to talk to some of the shop owners and shop attendants about steem. Many of these shops accept momo(mobile money) as a medium of payment. Ghana is now heading to a cashless society where a lot of people transact business using mobile money.

Though all the telecommunication networks in Ghana(MTN, AirtelTigo, Vodafone, Glo) have the momo service but the telco giant, MTN, has now dominated the Ghanaian market with their services. Only a handful of shops accepted the momo few years back but today almost every shop in Ghana and other West African countries now accept momo.


MTN momo is accepted in almost all the shops that I visited

Through more promotional work, we can get a lot of businesses and people on Steemit and this will eventually lead to a mass acceptance of steem especially in Africa. With time, shops in Ghana and West Africa as a whole will accept steem just like how they have endorsed and have accepted Momo as medium of payment. Steem will even give them more freedom and will be preferred over momo if they come to know the advantages of steem ecosystem.

The Good Question: How Do we get These Investors to Invest In Steem?

Getting more and more people to invest in Steem is something the Ghana Promo-steem team(@mcsamm,@nattybongo,@collinz @odsam2, @anaman) have been working on recently. Many approaches will be used:

📣 We would first give a talk to them about the benefits of steem, the freedom steem can give to their business. Giving a talk about Steemit will also let them know about steem.

📣 We will invite these shop owners to sign up on Steemit. Being part of the platform will surely make a difference. The shop owners themselves will attest to the legitimacy of Steemit and will witness the numerous activities that take place on Steemit, they will know that Steemit is not just a social media platform but also can be a great marketing tool and social networking site that they can use to engage their followers and then convert the engagement into sales.

📣 Those who have no knowledge of cryptocurrency often ask about how they can actually convert their digital currencies into fiat currency or how to transact with cryptocurrency.So we will show them how they can transact using steem in many crypto exchange or marketing platforms, for example Binance, Bittrex.

📣 We will let them know that they can actually advertise their products online through Steemit. Most of these shop do not operate online and so I see this to be a good strategy to get them involved in e-commerce or e-trade.

📣 Those of us who are already on Steemit will buy from them and pay with Steem if we are able to sign them up. Currently there are quite a good number of steemians in the @Steem-ghana community. We can even leave our steem paraphernalia in their shops and direct members to buy from them using steem.

The Next Move: Getting A lot of People Involved

I have arranged with the shops I visited to have a talk with the owners and the attendants as well. I believe much education about steem will help them to know the range of opportunities that steem presents. It is not going to be easy though in getting the attention of everyone to give a talk about steem but I know that it is always good to start from somewhere. I'm hopeful that this approach will be fruitful and I will be updating the community about my progress.


Achimota Retail Center-Accra


At Organic Product Shop


The Attendant:She asked to know more about Steem and How to sign up on Steemit, I'm meeting her this week to enlighten her more and sign her up


At Telefónica shop: They were busy but I still managed to do my Steem promo

At Hisense Shop

At Shoprite:Checking the prices of product and the amount of steem to buy

Thanks to @arie-steem and promo steem community leaders for their undying effort in pushing steem to the top, @stephenkendal for his generosity and sponsorship for, to steemcurator, @steemcurator01 for the support and also to @njaywan, @oppongk and steem promoters in Ghana(@mcsamm and @nattybongo) for their direction and guidance.

My Love For Steemit

Let's Keep Steeming! Personally steemit has been a wonderful experience for me. I cannot enumerate the numerous benefits I have derived so far. From earning rewards for myself, improving my writing skills, discovering possibilities online, building friendship or acquaintances are some of the great impacts I have had. I would like this to continue and I want more people to come to steemit, to support and help build steemit-@collinz.

 3 years ago 

I saw this coming. Your promo ideas are simply awesome. Investing in ourselves is as good as bringing investors from outside. I like the fact that, shop owners can be on steem while they still make some good returns with stee. Thanks for going with steem @collinz

My pleasure, you've also been very instrumental to the promo-steem team in Ghana

 3 years ago 

This is definitely a step in the right direction, the direction we have been looking at for a while now, imagine if we are able to get just a single shop to operate with steem and then we can build from there. Great work Senior Collinz well done

We will make it happen, we will work towards getting some of these shops on steemit and also work towards acquiring a shop for @steem-ghana

 3 years ago 

Great work truly taken Steemit to the next level ..keep up bro⭐️⭐️

Thanks.. let's steem to the moon

Keep on doing the good work bro

sure, we will do it together, let's steem!!

 3 years ago 

Wow, you did amazing, well done

Congratulations...!!! You Got Upvote 100%
By: PromoSteem Community

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I really appreciate the support

Good work done keep it up

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