My experience being a writer on steemit by @christnenye

in Steem Marketinglast year (edited)

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. I want to appreciate @josepha for organizing such an interesting contest.


Prior to joining the Steemit platform, writing was like an herculean task to the extend that I had to plead with a friend for help on my introductory post here.

Presently, with practices, effort, and reading other people posts my writing skill improved on steemit platform and other aspects of life that involves writing. I can now seamlessly write for individuals for a stipends, adding to it was writing my research work singlehandedly in college.

I must attest that joining Steemit platform has made writing part of me.

What can you say that writing on Steemit is to you? And how important Steemit is to you as a person?

I must be true to myself, joining Steemit platform and writing is an added skill and a great career to me. Before now, I can't construct an article off-hand without copying from the internet and aid from friends.

Steemit platform made me discover my hidden potentials, though it wasn't easy at the starting but with constant practices I can now confidently write an article containing 250-300 or more words without the use of internet or aid from people.

Also, there is this saying that "to be informed is to transformed and empowered. Steemit is a platform that has varieties of topic that people can post on and reading those write-up has made an indelible impact in my life.

It has also empowered me with skills like craft work, cooking, crypto, business, technology. All these made me have more knowledge added to the ones I know before joining the platform.

Do you blog/write with your phone, or a PC?

I do blog with both phone and PC depending on my location and what I am writing on. Mostly I write with phone because of its portability unlike PC that requires a desk to place it on.

Do you write your words down first, or you type them directly and post?

Before now, I was writing on note pad after which I transfer it to the steemit editor before posting but later I started writing directly, then use grammar checker for correctness in spelling of words and sentence construction before posting.

How have you found blogging on Steemit platform to be so far? Please tell us, we might learn from you.

Blogging on steemit has been an awesome journey so far, it's an added skill and a great motivator for improvement to me and it has so far been;

Interesting: writing on steemit platform has been interesting because I tend to write on topics I know and and on topics I am finding difficult I explore the internet to understand it more then put it in my own words.

Educative: Writing and reading on steemit platform has been educative to me because people from all sphere of life write on what they know and I learn from them to widen my horizon.

Tiring: there are times I pick up my phone to write but gets tired due to not having much information on the particular topic though I do take a little rest then pick up my phone and boom I will just be refreshed and energized.

Engaging: Writing has made me get engaged with people I meet here, some whom I have met in real life and some I do converse with on social media platforms.

Innovating: Writing has made me become creative and innovative. I tend to think of ideas that will make me distinguished from others mostly when I am writing on craft work and other contests.

I invite @preye2, @starrchris and @robinboss to participate


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Have a nice day !

 last year 

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