Achievement 1 introducingmyself :14/06/2021

Hello my fellow steemit members it's a very grate pleasure to write to you all hope you are all doing great this is my first time to join steemit which I got to know from my young sister who had joined it a month back how I got to know about steemit I used to see my sister typing all the time on her phone and I got interest to know what she was typing all time on phone she explained for me everything about steemit and I got the interest to join it so I therefore asked her to help me join the project which she did immediately without hesitation
She almost explained for me everything the rules and regulations of steemit and she also emphasized the point of plagiarism which she told me that on steemit they want original content and not copy and paste someone's work they need content from you original source document

    By names am derick a first born out of four children I have one brother and two sisters i live at my parents home in uganda
    I love being creative and innovative and I love learning new ideas from various people


    I am currently done with my studies and now looking for a job because jobs are very scarce in my home country and you need to just be persistent and creative to get a job.

    I love farming swimming and also reading and writing i also love being around people who are creative and inovative because I believe I can learn new ideas from them



    I love photography and currently I have been learning how to take pictures more so wedding picture


I also love editing pictures that are taken from various events


This about me hoping to share more with you soon

 3 years ago 

You are most welcome to the community of possibilities.

You are welcome feel at home

Welcome. However, you could re-do this post in the Newcomers community. It helps alot bcoz that's where the achievement program for newcomers is.

Your right grace I will guide him on what to do

You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda). We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

Keep creating good content on Steemit.

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