Promoting Steemit to Indonesian Youth - Promo-Steem and Mentorship [Steem On!]
for support PromoSteem community
This month, our team "The Youth Steem" often does the #Promo-Steem routine in creating content for publication in the #Steem and #Steemit media. Apart from that, you can also see us doing #Promo-Steem activity everywhere, Sometimes we move from one point to another. This has become a routine in our daily lives to do #Promo-Steem. We continue to reach out to active users, newcomers, Indonesian people and youth to encourage them to promote #Steem and #Steemit.
Tonight I returned to visit the millennial favorite Coffeeshop location located in the center of Lhokseumawe. I want to gather with young people who have been wondering about Steemit for a long time, they are young people who are active in marketing activities in Indonesia. We have known each other for a long time, we also support each other in providing motivation for each other's work and daily activities that we do.
Some time ago, I had communicated with them and offered to invite them to join #Steemit. I chatted with them and tried to provide understanding and share experiences about #Steem and #Steemit . Actually they have also gotten information about #Steemit from some of the other friends who gathered with us, who support The Youth Steem team. We are still learning with #Steem and exchanging ideas on promotion, this is done to interact with each other in discussing the development of the Steemit platform and inviting newcomers to Steemit.
In this meeting they managed to verify the #Steemit account @vivin who had just joined Steemit. This was done thanks to the teamwork of The Youth Steem, with the help of @muhajir169 and @faisalpiton. I helped them youth pars in terms of making #Achievement1 for self-introduction, then immediately promoted to the PromoSteem community. A few days ago, they asked me to teach them how to apply a Steemit account in their daily activities, especially those who work in the marketing department. This is very interesting, It will help him in promoting his daily routine and activities in the form of original content on Steemit.
I'm happy to respond well and want to help them provide Mentorship in completing the #Achievement1 requirements and several other requirements that must be completed. I, @muhajir169 and @teukumuhas are actively promoting #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia, on this occasion I am acting as a promoter to promote #Steem and #Steemit. Then I also guide @vivin in making Introductions to complete #Achievements1, this is a mandatory requirement in the Newcomer community.
We have helped register a Steemit account for Mrs. @vivin, according to her nickname in everyday life. Then I and the Youth Steem team tried to help and guide @vivin to join the #Steemit community with the applicable policies. So in this case He needs a mentor as a Mentorship to help them complete #Task1 or self-introduction posts. He wants to learn more about the policies implemented in the #Steemit community, this is very important to add insight for all of us in developing creativity on the Steemit platform. So this requires cooperation in carrying out #Promo-Steem activities, then continued with #Learwithsteem activities.
Account Name | Joined |
@vivin | 20 Oktober 2021 |
This is generally done by every newcomer, it's a mandatory and very important task to complete a verified #achievement1 in the Newcomers community. We represent the "The Youth Steem Community" team ready to help and guide newcomers, but we are all still learning about #Steem and #Steemit to maintain consistency. I'm glad they have joined and this will increase the popularity of the #Steem and #Steemit pasad among Indonesian people and youth. This also really helps us, supports and provides opportunities in implementing the Vision and Mission that we developed with the “The Youth Steem” team in Indonesia.
Me, @muhajir169, @teukunuhas and other friends have helped promote #Steem and #Stwemit. We have helped the performance of #Promo-Steem Promoters and we have been mentors in helping them complete #Achievement1 and #Task1 as newcomers to Steemit. I've explained how to make a new post, how to contribute to the Steemit community and asked them to quickly complete the next few achievements and we are ready to help. On this occasion I have explained some important points about the Steemit platform, I gave them a basic overview based on my experience of Steemit. We ask him to contact us again if there are problems in operating his Steemit account.
As a result, we have interacted for #Promo-Steem activities and have done Mentorship work for #Learnwithsteem and invited #Newcomers. We continue to support Newcomers, Hopefully this will be a good start for them to be creative on #Steemit. Hope He gets approved soon, verified and labeled by "Greeteer / Greeteer Helper" in Newcomer community. Furthermore, we hope that he will soon join and be well received in several other Steemit communities, let's try to be more active and continue to maintain consistency on Steemit.
Waiting for verification
Welcome to Steemit a senior marketing mother @vivin, Good luck in your work for "Achievement - 1" in the Newcomers Community, success always. Hopefully we can be the best among all of us and let's try to be consistent in creating creative content. Hopefully we can support each other and then support the Steemit Community, We are ready to help anytime. Let's invest in STEEM so that the value of Steem can continue to increase in the future, let's promote to increase the popularity of #Steem and Steemit.
This is a #Promo-Steem and #Learnwithsteem activity that I did with promoters @muhajir169 and @teukumuhas, but this time it was also assisted by @alvin.steem, @faisalpiton and other friends. We do it voluntarily and intend to help people who have difficulty learning about #Steem and #Steemit, we promote specifically among Indonesian people and youth. The #Promo-Steem and #Learnwithsteem activities have been going well since a few months ago with The Youth Steem team, Therefore we will continue to publish #Promo-Steem activities to increase the popularity of The Youth Steem team to the Indonesian people and youth in public.
We will continue to focus on #Promo-Steem to help #Steem marketing, We work in Indonesia and will faithfully support #Promo-Steem promoters in Indonesia. We will continue to upgrade promotional activities, #Promo-Steem and #Learnwithsteem Mentorship to the people and youth of Indonesia. Hopefully our presence is well received, we on behalf of the "The Youth Steem" team try to support and make #Steem and #Steemit increasingly popular in Indonesia. This will consistently be done so that we are given the trust and can become mentors and partners for #Newcomers in Indonesia. My team members and have worked hard by forming a work team and working together to promote #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia.
Let's hope it's not wasted and get better results, I'm happy with the work of doing #Promo-Steem publicly. There is great hope, with the formation of The Youth Steem team, it can be a place of support for the people and youth of Indonesia. Hopefully this innovation can create opportunities for active and creative young people to compete in #Steem marketing. For that we must continue to do real work and spread information about #Steem and #Steemit for the people and youth of Indonesia. Steem On!
Never stop to learning
I ready to be Promotor
PromoSteem Community ♨️
Support #Club5050
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Promoting in Twitter - Steem On!
Terimakasih atas bimbingan dan bantuan nya @bangmimi semoga kedepannya semakin sukses amin 🙏🏻
Bimbing mereka menjadi yabg terbaik
Do the best and never stop to learning, Steem On!
Good job brother
Slowly we make Steem great again!
Lanjutkan. Lakukan yang terbaik
Cakep 🤗
Terimakasih sudah sering hadir di blog kami buk @sailawana
Sama2 saling support ya kita 🤗
Siap buk, dengan senang hati