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RE: "Let's talk!" №16 - My family's cardinal rule! // "Давайте поговорим" №16 - Главное правило моей семьи!

in SteemFamily2 years ago (edited)

This is very good mini contest through every one can able to understand how to manage or organized their home and family relationships.

In our home, Elder or owner of the home set some rules from Couple of years ago for living an organizad way.

For instant, We had set timing to wake up early in morning and sleep early at night, All the family members eat at one time on a one table , don't waste money to buy too much clothes. Just buy in seasonal for need. And donate old clothes to deserving people whenever buy new clothes.

Beside that in Pakistan too much load shading there for we used to sit altogether at least one time in a day on open place for inhaling fresh air and off all the lights to save electricity.

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