"Let's talk!" №23 - "Grumpy wife" // "Давайте поговорим" №23 - "Сварливая жена"

in SteemFamily2 years ago (edited)

Hi all! Today, for the comment contest, we have chosen an unusual topic of family relationships and invite you to discuss female behavior.

It is believed that a man should provide for his family, bring money home. But how should a wife behave if the money that her husband earns is not enough? Should she tell him that he should strive to earn more, should she scream? Or maybe she needs to humbly accept the financial situation in the family? How to do it right? Maybe she needs to earn money herself so as not to oppress her husband with long conversations about money?

This is a comment contest. Write your opinion in the answers below. Speak as you think :) We will sum up the results on August 25, after 18:00 UTC. The authors of the three most interesting comments will receive 1 steem each!

Good luck to all!


Всем привет! Сегодня для конкурса комментариев мы выбрали необычную тему семейных отношений и предлагаем вам обсудить женское поведение.

Считается, что мужчина должен обеспечивать семью, приносить деньги домой. Но как должна себя вести жена, если денег, которые зарабатывает муж, недостаточно? Должна ли она говорить ему о том, что он должен стремиться больше зарабатывать, должна ли она кричать? Или может быть ей нужно смиренно принимать финансовую ситуацию в семье? Как правильно поступить? Может быть, ей нужно самой зарабатывать, чтобы не угнетать мужа долгими разговорами о деньгах?

Это конкурс комментариев. Напишите свое мнение в ответах ниже. Говорите так, как думаете:) Итоги подведем 25 августа, после 18:00 UTC. Авторы трех самых интересных комментариев получат по 1 steem!

Всем удачи!

 2 years ago 

Думаю, мужчина делает всё, что может. Чему учился и на что способен. Даже если синячит всю зарплату - значит, это его предел. Либо не был больше ни на что способен (и тогда куда она смотрела, когда выходила за него замуж), либо пёр вверх по социальной лестнице, а потом надорвался и сломался.
Думаю, кричать нет смысла. И пилить нет смысла. Вообще - брать проблему горлом - это простое и НЕПРАВИЛЬНОЕ решение.
Нужно тихо, мирно, "друг, заколебал ты".

И сама берешь - и делаешь лучше.

Или уходишь от него совсем.

 2 years ago 

Зрузумела патрэбна два апошнія пункты аб’яднаць), а вось куды глядзела,гэта не вельмі прыемна . Туды ж куды усе глядзяць у маладосці;). Розум з узростам прыходзіць, але іншым часам узрост прыходзіць адзіны;))))

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 2 years ago 

It is believed that a man should provide for his family, bring money home. But how should a wife behave if the money that her husband earns is not enough? Should she tell him that he should strive to earn more, should she scream? Or maybe she needs to humbly accept the financial situation in the family? How to do it right?

It is very important to discuss this topic because it is a question of prosperity and peace of everyone's home.

Sometimes the husband earns so much money that we he do not notice the hardship and sometimes the situation arises that meeting the needs of the house becomes a big test for the husband.

If I speak for myself, our relationship with my husband was pleasant and unpleasant as long as he worked closely with his father and brothers.Because he had a joint business and he used to give more profit than his income to his brothers and his family, which often deprived me and my children.It was difficult to estimate how much money was being distributed to the household and how much was being distributed among his family. That's why we used to fulfill some needs and leave some and my attitude was sometimes strict with my husband and sometimes I had to cooperate.

But now the business is divided among everyone, everyone's income comes from thier own hard work, that's why me and my husband cooperate with each other's and walk along with patience and gratitude for the better lifestyle to give of our kids.

Okay, this right here is something that stirs problems in many homes. Well I would say a wife is a person that is a companion likewise a husband. They should both love and encourage each other to achieve greater heights.
When your husband is not earning enough. Well the fact is, it is not the case of earning enough and refusing to bring it forward so there is still hope. I would say you will have to move on to the following options:

  1. Manage what he has given to you
    2.Begin to contribute.
  2. Suggest other things you both can do for a side income.
  3. Make him see reasons to find a bigger earning opportunity.
    Now it is important to note that the way you go about it matters. Based on the general character of men, you do not sound a warning , give them instructions, or nag. You may make things worse by doing these. You have to lovingly and supportively take him through that phase of life. Remember, that just as the wife faces challenges the husband faces challenges too. So be his pillar by supporting and praying for him.
 2 years ago 

This an interesting topic and raises issues on family relationship. I will take it bit by bit. In a family where the husband is the breadwinner and the wife is a housewife. The family responsibility should be shared to prevent issues arising in the future. In a situation where by the man earns but the woman doesn't work.

  1. The woman should know the nature of the husband work and how much he earns in a month.
  2. Prepare a budget of food expenses.
  3. Prepare a budget for children's school fess. If the school fess is high and the man can't afford to pay, it should be changed.
  4. Prepare a budget for monthly upkeep
    If the above budget is made by the woman both partners needs to sit down and make some adjustments if they could be able to handle the budget and daily income that comes in monthly, daily,yearly. And still have some reserved capital for savings incase of emergency situation.

In a situation,whereby the husband earns is not enough due to he lost his job and got another job which is not giving enough income to take care of the expenses. The wife should be understanding and could help in supporting the husband with the little she could. If she had a skill she could put into practice to make some money out of it. If she doesn't she could support the husband by encouraging him and praying for more improvement in the family.

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