Crazy Family Stories // Unlucky Trip by @patience90

in SteemFamily3 years ago

10% beneficiary to @steemit-family


Every family has its crazy times that after it has passed, we sit to laugh over it and mine is not an exception.
Here is my unlucky family trip


My elder brother the driver and I

There was a time my dad, 2 brothers and one of my brothers wives were traveling to another town to meet up with my elder sister and another brother of mine.
One of my brothers was our driver and he decided to pick some passengers on the way to reduce cost of fuel because the car still have space hence the car is for 9 passengers and we were just 5.
Eventually, we got two passengers on the way and they turned out to be people we knew.

Getting to our destination, my brother decided we take those people to theirs first because of the familiarity and the fact that they were going on an official assignment in the state prison, but that was how the unlucky aspect came.

While they were alighting, some group of touts who claimed to be road union workers appeared and claimed that position was not for parking but there was no inscription or sign to indicate such and my brother said moreover, he is not parking, this people are just alighting to go for a government official assignment.
That was how we spent about 2 hours dragging
because they insisted on detaching one of the car seats but I don't know where the strength came from and I held tight to the seat preventing them from carrying their mission.
Finally, we went to the union office where they were asked to apologize to us and that was how crazy that trip was because we got to our destination very late, our passengers were also delayed from going to their official assignment.

I called them touts because they neither had respect for the government officials nor my aged father who was telling them sorry for the crime no one committed.
But at the end of it all, they were ashamed because their bosses jugded fairly.



There are some crazy events that are unavoidable but one needs wisdom to handle them.
Thanks to @alena-vladi for this contest and I wish to invite @stanleynnah, @jwinny and @benson6 to join this contest

Special thanks

I am

 3 years ago 

This was a very unpleasant situation, but things like this unfortunately happen in life. Thank you for sharing this story with us!

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