Catch up the bug by @papi.mati

in SteemFamily3 years ago


Today I will present you 10 photos of the insects from Argentina. All the photos were made two years ago, during some long bicycle trip across the country. I tried to get as many information about that charming animals as it's possible, but to not bore you, I decided to publish only few fun facts about them:


It's the most venomous caterpillar in the world. It's poison can kill an adult human, by multiple inner bleedings.

Photos were made in Missiones region, Argentina. I'm the moment I was making, I had no idea that this cute little creatures are dangerous. Luckily I do have a habit to keep the distance and not touch any plant or animal if not necessary.


Did you know that some moth species never eats? Okay they do, in the early stadium, when they are larvas, but then, after transformation into the moth, they just live on the reserves they have made. That fact doesn't include all the species. Some of them use the flower dust to eat, just like regular butterflies.

Another fun fact about moths is that they confuse any light with the moon which helps them to navigate. Evolutionary they didn't have a chance to change their habits, because we use the electricity since very recently, so lightbulbs makes them confused and... Lost.

Missiones, Argentina


Photo was made in Corrientes, Argentina and even though I did my best to make a good research, I couldn't find it's name. It's because this region is inhabitated by... over 200 kinds of the spiders! Impressive, isn't it?

That spider had over 10 cm and it's net is made of two different kinds of threads: yellow, stronger, is from the outside of whole construction. It gives it the shape and spiders use it to keep their eggs on it. White, inside, is a little bit more fragile, but also it's easier to produce. It allows to catch the food.


I love ants. You will find them almost everywhere around the world. They are incredibly organized, strong (they can carry things even twice heavier than themselves) and smart. Did you know that are farming some larvas, feeding them and later "squeezing" to receive the milk? Sometimes they even hide them in the ant house for the night, to protect them from any danger. Evolutionary they managed to domesticate larvas before first humans did the same with cows.


If you will be ever looking for the place where the variety of the butterflies is richer than variety of the series on Netflix, you have to visit Missiones - I've seen butterflies of every size and colour, starting from white and blue 1 cm big, to colourful huge wonders of the size of the fist.

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