#club75 THE DIARY GAME || 09-abril-2022 ||Beautiful Saturday, in Union of my daughter and my family correcion Delegando 500 sp

in SteemFamily2 years ago (edited)


Hello, good evening dear friends @steem-family hope you are doing great, God bless you.

My name is Maria Eugenia, my username is @mariluna, I am from Venezuela, a warm country with beautiful landscapes and fascinating nature, with beautiful aromatic flowers and lush trees, enormous mineral wealth, oil, gold and a kind and loving people....

Today I am writing my first diary in this Community with a lot of joy and positive energy...

I will share with you my day as it was from the beginning to the end.

Hola, buenas noches estimados amigos @steem-family espero esten genial, Dios los bendiga.

Mi Nombre, es Maria Eugenia, Mi Usuario es @mariluna soy de Venezuela un país calido de hermosos paisajes y naturaleza fascinante, con bellas flores aromaticas y arboles exhuberantes, enormes riquezas minerale, petroleo, oro y una gente amable y cariñosa..

Hoy escribo mi primer diario en esta Comunidad con mucha alegria y energia positiva..

compartire con ustedes mi dia como estuvo desde el inicio hasta el final.



Hello, dear diary, today is Saturday April 9th, my day started at 6:00 am, with the tender singing of the birds: 00 am, with the tender singing of the birds, from my bed, I thanked God for a new awakening, I stayed watching from my window the sunrise, I moved aside a little to sit and watch some news through social networks, the first one was about a new rigorous confinement in Shanghai after a new wave of Covid-19 was detected, being this measure quite overwhelming for the global economy, it is said that some inhabitants are running out of food. I have my sister in this country and she certified me that now more money is needed to make their food purchases, that many Venezuelans who are there are thinking of going to another country, let's pray to God that this is something momentary.

Hola, querido diario, hoy es sabado 09 de abril, mi dia inicio a las 6:00 am, con el canto enternecedor de las aves,
desde mi cama, agradeci a Dios por un nuevo despertar, me quede observando desde mi ventana el amanecer ,me aparte un poco para sentarme a ver un rato algunas noticias a traves de las redes sociales, la primera fue referente a un nuevo confinamiento riguroso en Shangai tras, detectarse una nueva ola de Covid-19 siendo esta medida bastante abrumadora para la economia, mundial se dice que algunos habitante se estan quedando sin comida.

seguidamente observe otra noticia que en chile, los supermercados se encuentran abarrotados por personas
realizando compras nerviosas por el incremento de los costos de los rubros alimenticios, Tengo mi hermana en este pais y me certifico que ahora se necesita mas dinero, para realizar sus compras de comida, que muchos Venezolanos que se encuentran alli estan pensando ver para que otro pais se van oremos a Dios para que esto sea algo momentaneo.

Later, my daughter Camila woke up, I kissed her good morning and brought her breakfast in bed, to spoil her...

mas tarde, desperto mi hija Camila le di su beso de buenos dias y le lleve el desayuno a la cama, para consentirla..


Then, I started cleaning the garage and I went over to see a beautiful bush of white flowers that my neighbor has, it is a pretty matte color, and intense pleasing to the eye and I photographed it to share it in #steemit....

luego, me puse limpiar el garaje y me acerque para ver un hermoso arbusto de flores, blancas que tiene mi vecina, es un color bastante mate, e intenso agradable a la vista y lo fotografie para compartirlo en #steemit..


Afterwards, I changed my clothes and decided to go out to the greengrocer's to buy some camburs, which I needed for my daughter...

despues, me cambie de ropa y decidi salir a la fruteria a comprar unos cambures, que me hacian falta para mi hija.


I washed and organized the fruits, it was almost noon when my Tios arrived, with a special lunch for everyone, Mondongo stew with rice, so I didn't have to worry about anything.

Lavé y ordené las frutas, era casi mediodía cuando llegaron mis Tíos, con un almuerzo especial para todos, Mondongo guisado con arroz, así que no tuve que preocuparme por nada.


we enjoy this delight in family union in peace and harmony..

disfrutamos de esta delicia en union familiar en paz y armonia..


After eating, I rested a bit, then I got ready to go out with my daughter to eat ice cream.

despues de comer descanse un poco, luego me arregle para salir con mi hija a comer helados..

Going out with my daughter lifts my spirits and makes my life happy, we continued to the square to breathe fresh air, the afternoon was quiet a bit lonely despite being Saturday..

salir, con mi hija me levanta el animo y me alegra la vida, seguimos a la plaza a respirar aire puro, la tarde estuvo tranquila un poco solitaria a pesar de ser sabado..


we return, home, after a while I prepare dinner, organize my kitchen, when I finish, log in to steemit, comment and vote on my colleagues' posts as a good way to maintain healthy interaction and support their content make a delegation of 500 sp for this @steem family.

regresamos, a casa, pasado un rato prepare la cena, organize mi cocina, cuando termine inicie sesion en steemit, comente y vote los post de mis compañero como una buena forma de mantener la sana interaccion y apoyar su contenido realize una delegacion de 500 sp para esta comunidad


Then start writing your dear diary, while I enjoy a very hot Moringa tea, waiting for a new day God bless you..

Luego inicie a redactarte querido diario, mientras disfruto de un te bien caliente de Moringa, a la espera de un nuevo dia Dios los bendiga..


 2 years ago 

Welcome! We are glad to see you here!

 2 years ago 

Thanks you very much

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