The story of the green beetle

in SteemFamily3 years ago

Hello friends, I hope you are well. My name is Hadi and I am very interested in daydreaming and storytelling This is my second post in this community in a month I hope you like this story
6VvuHGsoU2QBt9MXeXNdDuyd4Bmd63j7zJymDTWgdcJjnzwbSaxE2W2Kt8oXUWwFriLwrRHY64yjjD8M3WJ2A45gJmDoXkjjx4GD8E4xoowmAKzRJf7zmPVbny7Ghk.jpegOnce upon a time there was a Green Cockroach. Every day he dreamed a lot. He dreamed of real friendship and love. And then one When he wakes up in the morning, he decides to go and look for the friend of his dreams and find it.
He first reaches for a @snail and tells it that I am looking for a friend, and the @snail, who, like him, loved to have a friend, accepts and they walk and talk for hours.The little green beetle was so engrossed in talking to the @snail and they were so happy that they did not notice the passage of time and for a moment he came to himself and turned to the @snail and said You are very slow and do not benefit from friendship and left.

Then he reached the agile @rabbit and said that I was looking for a friend. The @rabbit accepted, but after a few minutes of talking, the little beetle told our story that you are very fast. And I can not follow you and I got tired. The @rabbit did not say anything and left

The little green beetle was so tired that it fell asleep under a tree until it woke up to the sound of an old tortoise's legs.
He told the old turtle what had happened and said that he was looking for a friend but could not find him.
The old tortoise told him to look for a friend to be with for hours and have fun with both of you so much that you would not even notice the passage of time.The little green beetle heard our story and remembered how much fun he had with the snail, but he did not see the joy that the snail joined them at that moment and the little beetle apologized to him for his behavior.And he thanked the old turtle for the advice he had given and they went home with their new friend, and the little green beetle in our story was very happy that he had found a friend.

I came to my mind and wrote this story the moment I saw the competition, and I tried to make my story more interesting by drawing the subject of my story.

Thank you very much friends for being with me so far

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the great story! Friendship is very important in our life, that's for sure!

Thank you very much, yes of course

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