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RE: "Let's talk!" №16 - My family's cardinal rule! // "Давайте поговорим" №16 - Главное правило моей семьи!

in SteemFamily2 years ago

One of my family rule is to have supper/dinner together as a family. We agreed on dinner because during the day we are all busy attending to different work and activities . So a rule was set that dinner should be had together. Even if one of the family members is not in good terms is not supposed to miss out on dinner. One only misses out only if he/she must. This has helped us to stay united as a family because it's during this time that we share what everyone has gone through in the day. It also helps us to counsel one another and also to stay happy as a family. The family dinner is always followed with a family prayer and like the saying goes

a family that prays together, stays together

 2 years ago 

One of my family rule is to have supper/dinner together as a family. We agreed on dinner because during the day we are all busy attending to different work and activities . So a rule was set that dinner should be had together.

This is very good rule should follow in any home. Beacasue due to rapid increase of electronic globalization family are dismissing and neglect rules and respect of relationships. Thanks for sharing ☺️

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

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