in SteemFamily2 years ago

Hello Family members it's been a while here. I've been off from this space due to some personal issues. I do welcome you to my blog today as I'll be writing on Developing Children's Skill


Every child is uniquely formed based on what he is meant to accomplish. I have a boy in the compound where I stay over time I have observed this boy that he hardly keep his hand at a place most time he want to come visiting because we have some play equipments for my son so he want to come and play with those toys and when he comes in he will come inside and will touch this one before you know it he will leave it to another one before you know it he leaves it to another one sometimes I get so tired that I will tell him please I need to rest. Not too long we got a building block for my son but we noticed that he's not of age to make use of them so we just brought out a few so that he will just be playing with it until one day my son climbed the table and was arranging some things building them one after the other you know it will just build them they will fall he will start again and but small time it will fall off. So I now told my husband I think it's time for him to make use of this building blocks let's just get it for him so who brought it where will kept it and will give it to you also happy and we made a car for him he just looked at it and smiled. Subsequently he started making shapes by himself. So one day this my friend came visiting and he was so happy making different shades of car forming anything that he can and when he's tired he goes home another day he comes back to continuemy husband smiled at him and told him to start somewhere and encouraged him to learn a skill so that as he advance in age he will easily suit into his course.


So I'm saying this to mean every child has a place or specialty. There is something every child is good at, it is good that we parents start building our children from the tender age. Introduce different crafts to your children when they keep doing it with time they will become so used to it that as their age is advancing their knowledge is also advancing and with time they can comfortably seat to build something. For instance, when that child keeps building that car his mind will be getting enlarged he will make this pattern of car today and tomorrow he will make another pattern of car another day he will make another pattern it will come to a time he will say, how do they build this car that it moves? so that child will go into the place of enquiry to find out what makes the car to move you know with time you can see that that child may build his own moving car. Today we have Toyota Camry, Lexus Jeep and more all of these cars came as a result of enquiry that enquiry can be seen to be research it did not just came to be.

Let your child learn a craft and Arts. Let them go for some skills don't allow a week to pass by without them learning a craft it is very very important. The way the world is going today it is necessary the children find relevance. I hope this piece helps a parents or a parent to be to learn how to handle the children in the family.

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From @charis20 Your Sister

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