Club5050 There are Opportunities Contest by @bongk

in SteemFamily2 years ago



Hello steemians of the Steem family community I'm really grateful for the contest launched by @alexmove .

It's true every human needs one thing or another to reach their goal in life, this is a reality we can't run from. Today I'm going to let you all know what I need to reach my goal. First I'll have to tell you all a little about myself and my goals and finally what I need to reach these goals.


My Goals

I am at my early 20s and I'm and I want to be a Pharmacologist.
My goal is to become a renown Pharmacologist and an advocate for HIV infected Youths and Adolescents all over the world to provide a safe place against the world's Stigmatisation against these young people.
Ever since I was a child, I suffered from alot of illnesses and suffered stigma from my peers because I was always falling sick. So when I became a little better and could fend for my self I took this decision that became my goal. The decision to become a Pharmacologist hit me so that I can support in my own way to treating illnesses such as Cancer, Tb , Hypertitis, HIV.
And the decision to become an Advocate for Youths and Adolescents living with HIV is so that I can reduce the world's stigma against children who suffer from many diseases.


What I need to reach my goal

  • Since my goal is found in the departement of sciences, I need a lot of Education and research to build up my knowledge on how to tackle the world's crisis
    There are alot of good Schools abroad as compared to Cameroon that provide deeeper insight on what I'm studying , and so I need Education

  • Moral support is another need of mine , moral support keeps me going, to saor to greater heights in this field. This I need from friends, family members and from you my steem friends.

  • Money, of course I need money a lot of it, to continue my research and studies.
    That's why I seek for jobs abroad and also do some side hustle to raise that money, even though I don't have enough I struggle to get through to why I have already.


Thanks y'all from steem family for reading my post I wish to see you all again soon.
For this contest I invite @rockana and @graceilla

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65248.25
ETH 3471.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51