My biggest fear

in SteemFamily2 years ago
Everyone has their strong and weak sides, my weak side is my fears, fears of losing PEOPLE. I imagine myself in a day, when my parents would be no more with me, i will be helpless and not able to I worry that I won't be able to take care of myself and will end up in a bad place. I also worry that if something happens to them, no one will be there for me. I know its irrational but it's the only thing that really scares me. As for now, my parents have been with me through thick and thin , and I know they'll be there for me until the end. So although my fear is big, it doesn't hold me back from living my life to the fullest.. I don't really have any other fears, I'm pretty content with the way things are. I guess if I had to pick one other fear, that would be losing those gems of my life. But like I said, that doesn't really scare me that much, because as long as my family is around me, everything will be alright.

download (2).jpg


Word count: 190

I invite


That's a totally understandable fear, my friend. That's also one of my biggest fears. When I think too much about it, I can't even sleep.
Good luck on the contest!

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