'CREATIVITY FOR KIDS' CHALLENGE ~ The Poor Fisherman and The Wise Monkey.

in SteemFamily3 years ago (edited)

Thank you @greatketty and @steemfamily for this amazing contest.

Once upon a time there was a poor man who never had a family because his parents had died in a famine that claimed so many people in his village. He was so poor that he had nowhere to sleep for he slept in a cave and had nothing to eat. Often times he went to the sea shores to try and get some fish that had been swept inland and it was the only food that kept him alive along with some insects that he ate from the land and some roots and leaves from the plants. Despite loving fish, he feared deep waters.

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The poor fisherman one day, went to try and get some fish from abit further on from the shores as fish was no longer getting washed up on the shore. He failed to get any fish for the whole day. He came again the next day, and caught none. Now, there was a monkey amongst the trees on the land that was seeing him get frustrated from the morning until the evening everyday.

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That day, the monkey came closer to speak to him.

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"I can see that you have got nothing today and none yesterday "

The man replied "yes, today is a bad day. I give up. I can't do this anymore!"

"Don't give up yet", the monkey said "what will you eat? How long will the roots sustain you before you give up the ghost? Go home, come back again tomorrow and try again"

The poor fisherman went back home and came back the next morning and tried again. He cast his nets into the sea not far away from the shore and .... he never got anything that day. The monkey came back again and said to him,

"looks like you haven't got anything again, today"

"Yes, it's a bad day today. I didn't get anything"

"Go back to your cave and try again tomorrow. Maybe you will catch something then"

The poor fisherman went back home and ate the roots that he had stocked up the previous day as his dinner, as he waited for the morning to come so he could go back to find fish. The next morning he woke up early, but he did not catch anything and he went back the next day and the next day and the next day and he did not get anything at all.

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The monkey came back again just as he had always done all those days and told him the same words he said everyday.

"Go back home and try again tomorrow maybe you will find something"

By this time the poor fisherman was desolate and frustrated. He was tired of trying anymore! He was angry at the monkey for not leaving him alone and pushing him around. He was worn out to the bone and demoralized and discouraged and he couldn't think he could do it for even one more day. He left the spears and root nets at the sea and went to the seashore and cried his heart out. He wanted to die.

The monkey came to him and told him to be patient with himself. Looking at the calm attitude the monkey had, poor fisherman wondered if he was playing games and laughing at him behind his back. He started to imagine himself eating the monkey instead. The idea was very appealing!

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Mr monkey could sense poor fisherman's anger and hunger. He could see his saliva rolling out of his mouth, his stomach getting excited to receive him as a meal, but he was determined to help. He explained to the poor fisherman how he fended for his own food in order for him to survive in the jungle. He said he had to wait for the banana plant to grow, get a sprout from which the fruit came, and then he had to wait for the banana to become a big fruit and this almost took forever. After it became a big fruit, he had to wait for it to become yellow and ripe so that he could finally eat it. Once it became yellow, he had a feast of his life, but it all came with a price - being patient. From the time the plant started growing to the time the fruit became yellow.

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After telling him his food story, the fisherman got a bit of strength to go back and he pushed the idea of eating mr monkey to a future date. That night he cast his nets in the sea and this time he went deeper into the lake more than he had ever done. He was still scared, but he had the determination to get food. He stayed up awake all night and he was anxious to get something in the morning and when morning came, he pulled out his net. To his astonishment, he had the biggest catch of his life! He was so excited and happy and couldn't believe his luck.

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He ran to the shore to tell mr monkey about it but mr monkey was nowhere to be found. That day he learned a lesson that everything in life will not always happen at our own time but everything in life will need patience and hard work. Nothing comes for free.

Thank you for taking time to read through. I invite @faithilyn and @diosarich to take part. Love you

 3 years ago 

Ohh yes patience pays though it pains.

You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda) and a member of the SteemPOD team. We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

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Grateful for this.

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