"Kids of the World"| Week №46 | Learning and Painting

in SteemFamily2 years ago

Hello, my dear friends of SteemFamily, this is my first publication in this beautiful community, I love the "Kids of the world" contest that our friend @olesia presents us every week, I hope the weeks of this beautiful contest continue, I invite you to participate to @blessed-girl, @veronica7 and @vane1990, without further ado let's start with my participation.


Tuesday, March 15 is my son's rest day, he has to attend classes only 3 times a week, so we got up a little late, the truth is I couldn't sleep at night because I had a terrible migraine when my little ones got up, I took strength to get up and prepare their breakfast when they finished eating, they started to play.


Nelson playing with his sister


Thank God they played a good time

I took advantage of the fact that they were entertaining and I took other migraine pills and lay down for a while, then it was time for lunch.


I made mashed potatoes, chicken, steamed vegetables and rice

Everything was very delicious thank God, the children ate everything, later the girl fell asleep and the boy was able to see Tom and Jerry, meanwhile, I got to work.



After finishing I started with my housework, the girl woke up and the boy gave her some water.


I liked this gesture of my son and I photographed it

Then my husband came from work and began to rehearse some songs, the boy took the microphone and began to sing the song " the chicks say " hahaha.


How beautiful he wants to be like his dad

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-27 at 6.48.52 PM.jpeg

Later we take a short break, and then we take a shower

After finishing bathing the children, my husband began to cook dinner, while I began to draw the planet earth with the symbol with a dove that symbolizes peace for the child to paint, he as soon as he saw the drawing told me a bird in a circle, I explained that the circle is the world where we live and the bird is a dove, the drawing represents the peace that we all want, how nice it would be to live in a world without conflicts, without war, where we all respect and love each other , I was struck by a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt – American writer and activist, where she tells us:

“ Not enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it and work for it”.

I believe that it is not easy to work for peace, but it is not impossible either, we must start from home, teaching values with love, teaching our children to be tolerant with their peers, to dialogue, to express themselves appropriately without harming emotionally to others.

On the other hand, my son got very excited and started to color with green crayon, when we started looking for the blue crayon, we couldn't find it, so I gave him tempera paint and a cotton swab, since he has already worked with that technique, he started to fill in on his own all the blank spaces, on some occasion he made a mistake and painted the dove and left the drawing, but I still loved the result



Nelson coloring


painting with a swab



He really enjoyed painting this drawing


Final score

When he finished his drawing I congratulated him and sent it to his grandmothers, they congratulated him and he was very happy, then we had dinner, when I finished I helped my son with his cleanliness and he went to sleep with his little sister, meanwhile, I connected on steemit and then to sleep.

The photos were taken with my ZTE Blade A5 brand phone.


Hermoso tu post amiga graciaspor la invitacion estare al pendiente saludos y besos

Hola amiga, me alegra que te gustó mi publicación, espero ver pronto tu participación.

 2 years ago 

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Hola @abiga554 ¡Pero qué post tan hermoso!

Tocaste las fibras de mi corazón.
Récord de la época en que mis niños estaban pequeños, ya son hombres y mujeres el tiempo pasa muy rápido.

Tengo esperanza en que pronto se cumplirá la profecía qué se refiere a que Dios transformará las armas en arados. Y se hará su voluntad aquí en la tierra cómo se está haciendo en el cielo.

Espero que mejores de tu migraña, sufrí durante muchos años de migrañas continuas.
Un doctor me recetó magnesio, en ese entonces podía comprarlo en pastillas, ahora lo tomo en forma de cloruro, también me prohibió ingerir lácteos y trigo. Hace mucho tiempo que no sé lo que es una migraña.
Pero se lo que sientes pues yo también lo vivi. Siempre en mi cartera cargaba mis pastillas para la migraña.
Que tengas una feliz noche.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl
Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

Hola amiga gracias por la invitación, que bonito se ve tu bebe pintando se debe divertí mucho jejeje, saludos

Hola amiga, sí jajajaja, se divirtió demás, quería más dibujos para colorear jajaja, espero ver pronto tu participación.

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