Python - Most Powerful programming Language

in Steem Schools4 years ago

Python was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language (itself inspired by SETL), capable of exception handling and interfacing with the Amoeba operating system. Its implementation began in December 1989.

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects


Why Do People Use Python?

Because there are many programming languages available today, this is the usual first question of newcomers. Given that there are roughly 1 million Python users out there at the moment, there really is no way to answer this question with complete accuracy; the choice of development tools is sometimes based on unique constraints or personal preference

Python is one of the top 10 popular programming languages of 2017. Python is a general-purpose and high-level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites, and web applications. Also, Python, as a high-level programming language, allows you to focus on the core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. The simple syntax rules of the programming language further make it easier for you to keep the code base readable and application maintainable. There are also a number of reasons why you should prefer Python to other programming languages.

Who is using Python

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What is Python? | Introduction to Python | Python Programming

Why You Must Consider Writing Software Applications in Python.

Readable and Maintainable Code

While composing a product application, you should concentrate on the nature of its source code to rearrange upkeep and updates. The language structure rules of Python permit you to communicate ideas without composing extra code. Simultaneously, Python, in contrast to other programming dialects, stresses on code meaningfulness and permits you to utilize English catchphrases rather than accentuations. Subsequently, you can utilize Python to manufacture custom applications without composing extra code. The coherent and clean code base will assist you with maintaining and update the product without investing additional time and energy.

Open Source Programming language

As we want to clear about is Python Open Source, So yes Python is open source that means it is free and python open source are not different programming languages and it is available to everybody to use it freely for any kind of purpose. Python language is managed by python software foundation. It is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely available, usable and distributable.

Easy to learn

Python language comes with a lot of advantages but this is out of the charge. If you know how to write simple sentences in English grammar, Congratulations you can learn python within two or three weeks. Python is easy because it resembles the English language. There are very few rules and special cases. It’s safe to say that in Python the focus is on what you want to do with the code, not on language semantics.

The syntax of the python is designed in such a way that new leaner, the user who don,t know how to write the code can easily understand the syntax of the python. The syntax of python is easy and understandable. Like the other famous languages like C, C++, java and many more the syntax of the python is simple and less complicated, In python developers don,t have to write long codes.

Compatible with Major Platforms and Systems

Python works on different platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.

At present, Python supports many operating systems. You can even use Python interpreters to run the code on specific platforms and tools. Also, Python is an interpreted programming language. Python is also open source so it makes is quite impressive and It allows you to run the same code on multiple platforms without recompilation. Hence, you are not required to recompile the code after making any alteration. You can run the modified application code without recompiling and check the impact of changes made to the code immediately. The feature makes it easier for you to make changes to the code without increasing development time.


Python is easy to read and understand. The syntax of python is like English statements. That makes python quite unique and also helps the newbies to learn python easily.

The large set of Libraries

Python provides a large set of libraries, modules, and functions that enable the rapid development of applications

Data Science

Now, most people are trying to learn Python to become Date Scientists, One of the most paying jobs out there. "Data Scientist" is the best profession according to job-listing data. The role of data scientist was described in 2012 as, "The best job of the 21st Century" isn't that awesome. Python is the most used programming language by most data scientists. Although there R some other languages, Python is still dominating the field. It's because of a huge community and the huge number of supporting libraries like

Numpy For numerical computation and matrix handling
Matplotlib and Seaborn For data visualization
Pandas for data analysis and tabular data representation

Data Science Jobs being posted often requires Python more than any other language. This indicates the fact that the skills you gain with Python will be used to develop your analytical skillset.

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