How to impress a Girl?

in Steem Schools3 years ago

How to impress a Girl?

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Cheap pick-up lines and flirt:-

Always start a decent conversation and never use cheap pick-up lines like "are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears". If your father saw this don't know about everyone but you will disappear from this world.

Sense Of Humour:-

Make her laugh but don't crack bad jokes like once I did, compared my crush with fart and now I can't see her profile picture. (Now I have to find a new crush, anyone interested?)

Honesty is the best policy:-

Always be honest, don't show off, don't lie or quote her with false information about yourself, make her feel secure, respected be supportive.


Don't be available 24/7. Girls like those who show some attitude and looks out of their reach. Remember

But I am always there for you!😘

Always stand in front whenever she needs someone and understand her emotions. Girls went through many things every day, they need someone to listen, be the one.

Dressing sense and surprise:-

Appearance matters a lot, dress up good, smell good. Make her feel special, surprise her, not always with gifts, you can do a surprise call or a surprise visitor surprise her with food.

Compliment and Correction:-

Compliment her but target something like your dress is looking so beautiful on you, or your hairs are looking so beautiful or something else, but it should be genuine. Also, if something is wrong correct her, this will show you care about her.

Focus on Yourself:-

You have your career too which who have to build, don't get so busy in impressing her that you forget your career. Guys who are passionate about their career are more attractive, else their dm is filled with "hey beautiful", don't be the one.


Be consistent with your efforts, no matter how big or small, just saying that you love her doesn't work every time, you have to show that too.


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