Bring New Users, Make True Leaders...

in Steem Schools3 years ago

@Dobartim uses every moment for Steemit promotion, Making New History Again

He loves Steemit in many ways, He loves to Blog, Talk, Read. Since the beginning Steemit was true Challenge for Him, so now highly motivated He promoted the possibility of the Network.

Today, He promoted:
= the possibilities of Steemit,
= the possibility of Blockchain,
= the possibilities to invest & make money
= the ways of blogging
= making friends & new contacts


The Story has just begun. It is highly important that New users invest in Steemit power in which way they will sttenghten Steemit, strenghten their position & Make more.






Let Us grow and Make Steemit better place for all of us.

Final score is that we have 5 new users on Steemit, eager to do something more.

Let's Steem On...


You make efforts not only in office but also at field. @tatjanastan and @dobartim you are all great leaders. Thanks for the big support to this platform :)

See you at the top

 3 years ago (edited)


an honor for me, you make the compact in social. give direction, better lessons. thank you for being together..


He's really doing great. Cheers


You hit it so well. He is just the motorola of no kind. Socialist, a motivator. A teacher, am my mentor.
Great job sir @dobartim. And thanks @tatjanastan for your great post


I have never ever seen such an active group admin so far. @dobartim is doing his best.

Yes, Yes he is very persistant

Really nice to see new friends coming in. Welcome on board. What a great work to promote Steem..

Thanks for Your kind words

you @tatjanastan and @dobartim recruiting young people to be brought to steemit, this is a really amazing promo-steem 👍👍


Good post @tatjanastan
Succes always for you friends


This is an awesome project. Thanks for working hard for steemit.


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