The contest courage and persistence my entry

in Steem Schools3 years ago (edited)

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It a great opportunity thereby for me being part of this wonderful contest hosted in the steem school community,which i will say has been the first i have partaken in ever since i joined the steemschool community.Thus i obliged you stay put why i explain how i pull through in achieving my current position in the steemit block chain.


It happened that i was introduced by mr @bright-obias
Within the slight period to the covid 19 lockdown ,then it wasn't intense as it was afterwards. Well from what you can see in my blog i joined August 2019/2020 particular date note specified but you can obtain that via my achievements 1 one /introduction post.

Can i say that my achievements in steemit blockchain today was as a result of God and grace.nonetheless i also made little effort and engagement towards that great hight.When i started steemit,it was all like a joke because steem price was quite low and much interest in steaming was not done me.

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I have and had made hundreds of post and more in my blockchain and in all it just twice the steemcurator01 visited my blog thus leaving me with a higher level of discouragement,the courage to continue was null and void simply because all post i have been making seems futile, i switched my effort towards something else,considering that i wasn't making any headway,anyway i was a member of the steemalive community, whom the leader is one that doesn't give up on any person,@focusnow is his name,he encouraged me ,showed me post where in through persistence and self courage were upvoted by steemcurator01 hence i had a rethink and was encouraged,reluctantly i begin to make post but this time once in two weeks,one of the days i login in my blog and discovered that 500 sp was delegated to me as support,excited with that i worked earnestly in posting,commenting and upvoting that's very day; all this was as a result of @focusnow who work towards my goal.

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As a result of much courage and discoveries i decided to put all energy and effort in the goal of getting to the top thus i didn't toild with any chance given to me,i kept on pushing and i am still pushing i dedicated few hours for my posting and much energies in commenting,upvoting and so on,since then i have grown little influence and also have acummolate the little sp your seeing in my wallet today.

To crown it all steemcurator01 ,2and 4 pay my blog visit often times,while must of my post are being selected for booming01 for upvoting,meanwhile steemit has helped me alot ,it has improve my writing skill, spelling skill and so forth.
Thus indeed i see that courage and advice of good friends and the success of peer groups can lead to great challenge of one timid life to become great successors over time.

Inconclution i would say or say that courageous act and persistence can and will lead to the result of great achievement of one futile effort before, so therefore i say be courageous and persistence in all things you do.



Constancia y dedicación amigo, nada es fácil pero todo será recompensado dios mediante. STEEMIT cambia nuestras vidas nos hace mejores cada día.

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