Covid-19 awareness

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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The covid-19 is starting the wuhan of china has become a gobal pendemic by infecting almost all the world human civilization facing the threat for there survival and livelihood.No country in the world for solution of this pendemic only changing there life style .In this study attempted the access to symptoms, awareness, prevention,amon the people of india about 522 response only.The coronavirus is a silent killer.Most people infected with covid-19 virus with experience mid to the moderat respiratory illness and cannot recover the treatment.The older people and under medical problems like respiratory disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease are develop like serious illness.


Avian infection bronchitis was first describe the newborn in 1931 by Schalk ,Hawn (J Am Vet Med Ass 1931; 78: 413–23) and by Bushnell & Brandly in 1933 (Poultry Science 1933; 12: 55-60).These paper were both cited by bech and schalm 1936 who confirmed the this virus is infected due to filterable and identify the cross immunity. The virus of avian infection of bronchitis is classified a gammacoronavirus while the most of coronavirus is infect the human to betacoronavirus.As the journal nature reported in 1963 this virus are the member of previous unrecognized group which suggest the coronavirus. The word corna as different meaning but it was the sun of that the virologist had in mind when they choose the name of coronavirus


Protect yourself and other around you by know the fact and taking the precautions of this.
1- clean your hand when your are going outside with handsanitizar and scop clean your hand 🧤 every half hour..
2- mantain the distance from who people is ill coughing and sneezing.
3- wear his mask when your are going to outside and when you not possible the distance.wear your mask in crowd.
4-Dont touch your eyes and nose,mouth
5-Cover your mouth and nose when you sneezing in the crowd because virus is transfer to your sneez from one to another.
6- stay home when you feel bad and ill.
7- if you feel cough and fever or difficult to breath seek medical attention.
Wear the mask because mask is very important
mask can help the prevent the spread of virus from one person to another person.Mask is note alone protect to against the covid-19 you maintenance the distance from other and washing properly your hand.

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